by Amphibalus
The following motions were carried at a meeting of MF supporters and fellow travellers (excluding the IRMF "bastards" but not excluding other IR people) at a meeting on 6th November 2002.
1. This meeting agrees to establish a new cross-Union PCS grouping to provide members with a political alternative both to Left Unity and to the Moderates and Inland Revenue Membership First. (AGREED)
2. This meeting agrees to appoint a temporary London-based Organising Committee of Ian Albert, Anne Shipp, Graham Taylor and James Undy to undertake the detailed practical arrangements for launching the new grouping, including production of a founding statement based on the papers already
Circulated by Graham Taylor; design of a logo and website; and transfer of the Membership First account to the new grouping. (AMENDED: Delete Ian and Ann – insert Bob Bowman and Victoria Steeples)
3. This meeting agrees that the new grouping will be called PCS Democrats. (AGREED)
4. This meeting agrees that the new grouping will launch on 1 January 2003, and that its subscription will be (based on full time equivalents) £1 per month for those paid below the European Decency Threshold, £2 per month for those paid up to £20k pa, £5 per month for those paid up to £30k pa, £10 per month for those paid up to £40k pa, and £15 per month above this. Payment will be by monthly Standing Order. Membership will commence with receipt of the Standing Order and be terminated by its cancellation. (AGREED IN PRINCIPLE: Steering Group to draw up guidelines)
5. This meeting agrees that those who sign up to the new grouping before 1/1/03 will elect a temporary Start-up Committee to oversee the launch and to produce proposals for a democratic structure and policy-making process, including accountability of those elected on the new grouping's platform, and to put these to signed up members by the end of January 2003. (AGREED)
6. This meeting agrees to work with other groupings and independent activists within PCS to defend and protect the Union's democracy, including the right of members to an individual secret ballot free from interference and abuse. To that end it authorises the temporary Organising Committee to conduct discussions as required with Left Unity and others on the possibility of a unified "Democracy ticket" in the next NEC elections. (AGREED)
7. This meeting agrees to campaign for a Yes vote in the membership ballot on annual NEC elections and an annual PCS Conference. (AGREED)
8. This meeting agrees to campaign actively over the issues of low pay and equal pay and to play a positive and distinctive role in the Union's national Pay campaign. (AGREED)
Caroline Young was subjected to a vicious personal attack by Undy, who considered that MF has no-one on the NEC now. Biosah was also written off (Uncle Tom's MBE is obviously inferior to Herr Flick's).
Young, Paul Smyth, Jim Feeney, (possibly) Anne Shipp, will not be participating in PCS Democrats. Bob Bowman might do so, but didn’t support some of the above. Ian Albert is also a bit iffy.
Comer (Boris Johnson lookalike) and Taylor from C&E are fully on board, but have nowhere near the influence within Customs of those not, i.e. Young, Smyth, and Feeney.
I suppose if they'd got their website up and running you could have read this there. Jest. Watch this space.