gold eagle















This bi-annual delegate conference of the PCS congratulates the Woodcraft Folk on its 2001 International Camp. This conference welcomes its commitment to teaching the values of democracy, co-operation, equality, peace and internationalism to children and youth from 6 to 21 years old. This conference further notes that the Woodcraft Folk is the only youth organisation in the UK that calls upon all its members in work to join an appropriate Trade Union, and that it has been successful in achieving NGO status to attend the Rio + 10 conference in South Africa this year.
This bi annual delegate conference therefore instructs the NEC to affiliate to the Woodcraft Folk for an annual trade union subscription fee of £50.

The United Campaign to Repeal the Anti Trade Union Laws was formed in 1998 to pursue the following objectvies:
to secure the repeal of all anti-trade union laws.
to secure the introduction of new laws which enshrine instead:
· The right of workers, without penalisation, to take industrial action (including solidarity action and action to secure recognition) and to be represented by their unions; and
· The rights of Unions to draw up their own constitution free from state and employer interference and to be recognised by employers for collective bargaining where workers so wish it; so fulfilling the UK's international law obligations under UN Covenants, the ILO conventions, and the Social Charter of the Council of Europe.
· To support workers and unions penalised or threatened by the anti union laws or which adopt a policy of non compliance with those laws.
Conference endorses these aims and agrees to affiliate to the campaign at an annual cost of £500.
ES(DWP) Hackney & City

That this BDC of PCS instructs the National Executive Committee to affiliate to the lesbian and gay employment rights (LAGER).
The aims of LAGER are to provide advice on employment rights for lesbians, gay and bisexuals. The cost of affiliation is £100.

Conference notes with concern:
· the horrific human rights situation in Colombia
· the collusion between the Colombian government, the armed forces and the paramilitary death squads
· the role played by multinational corporations in violating workers rights and exploiting both the people and the environment of Colombia.
Conference agrees to affiliate to the Colombia Solidarity Campaign at a cost of £100. The Colombia Solidarity Campaign is a broad based federation of interested organisations and individuals. It campaigns for a socially just and sustainable peace in Colombia based on respect for the diversity of the Colombian people.

This conference notes the work of No Sweat as the UK campaign against sweatshops.
This work has included;
· campaigns highlighting the use of sweatshops by global corporations such as Nike, GAP, Reebok and Disney.
· working with the GMB & TGWU in recruiting and organising workers in the sweatshop in the East End of London and low paid auxiliary at Canary Wharf.
· making international links with Dita Sari from the Indonesian FNPBI Union Federation highlighting the campaign for a living wage in the sweatshop in Indonesia.
· working with Battersea and Wandsworth TUC in setting up the company "Ethical Threads" launched on March 8th 2002.
This conference notes the aim of No Sweat is the demand of Independent Trade Unions and a living wage for all workers around the world.
This conference agrees to;
· affiliate to No Sweat at a cost of £100 per annum
· highlight the work of No Sweat through PCS View.

This conference agrees to affiliate to the Cuba Solidarity Campaign (CSC) at an annual cost of £150.
CSC supports the following positions:
· Respect for Cuba's right to sovereignty and independence;
· An end to interference in Cuba's internal affairs;
· an end to the US trade blockade of Cuba;
· The normalisation by the US of all diplomatic, cultural, scientific and travel relations with Cuba.

PCS Culture & Organisation: Structures

1. The Conference deplores the attempts by the NEC to restrict the freedom of speech of certain lay officers during the war in Afghanistan and the General Secretary Elect both during the war in Afghanistan and on certain other occasions.
2. This Conference upholds the human right of its lay officers and employees to freedom of speech and only aks that they make it plain they are not speaking on behalf of the Union:
a) when their views do not represent the policy of the Union or
b) when they are addressing forums which they might reasonably believe Conference would not wish them to address on behalf of the Union.
3. Conference therefore instructs the NEC to cease all attempts to restrict or inhibit or place conditions on the right of any lay officer or any employee to freedom of speech in a personal capacity.
Scottish Executive Edinburgh Central

A8 Falls if A7 carried
This conference notes the attempt by the NEC to prevent senior full time officials and senior NEC members from commenting on certain issues.
Conference expects full time and lay officials to speak out in favour of PCS policy in an official capacity at every opportunity. In such contributions they should be guided by the policies set by PCS national conferences.
Commercial Sector MIDLANDS IT

Conference recognises the need for strong inter-agency committees on a regional basis. These can play a useful role in recruitment, education, exchanging knowledge and information and advancing the interests of PCS within the region. Although this is provided for within rule 5.19, conference believes the resources of the union should be directed to establishing, at the earliest opportunity, a network of regional committees with full time officer support based in regional offices. To achieve this, conference instructs the NEC to ensure that:
· Regional offices issue a pro-forma and accompanying material to all branches in their geographical region inviting an expression of interest;
· After the necessary publicity and planning, this is followed up by an inaugural meeting of all interested local reps;
· The NEC draw up a model constitution for adoption at the inaugural meeting;
· This constitution allows for full time officer support, an elected committee of between 10 and 15 members (including a chair, organiser and treasurer), meetings tobe held at least quarterly, liaison with regional TUC's and individual trade unions or other relevant bodies, and the necessary funding to meet and conduct activities in line with union policy and union rules.
DETR Bristol & West

This conference considers there is a need to improve the democratic accountability of the unions' full time officer structure. The NEC is therefore instructed to carry out a full review of current arrangements with the aim of extending the democratic accountability of full time officers, which may include periodic elections where appropriate. The review will involve seeking the views of members, branches and groups, consulting the HQ GMB branch, obtaining legal advice and drawing up a series of draft rule amendments for consideration in branches prior to the 2004 biennial delegate conference.
Commercial Sector SBS NS Glasgow

This BDC notes that the involvement of young people in PCS activity is critical to the future of the union. The recent Cranfield survey of members showed that the average age of a PCS member is 41, highlighting the urgent need to recruit and involve young people.
This BDC applauds the progress made in the Commercial Sector in recruiting and involving young people in PCS and establishing a young members network. Conference is disappointed that despite a motion being agreed at BDC in 2000 calling for work to be done across the whole union on this issue, this is the only area of PCS that has attempted to address this matter.
Therefore this BDC calls upon the NEC to:
· Allocate a budget of £25,000 per year towards funding the establishment and development of a young members network.
· Allocate the development of a young members network to a young individual with experience of the TUC Organising Academy.
· Establish a network based upon the work commenced so far within the Commercial Sector, which should recognise the different requirements of young members in both the public and private sectors.
· Allocate a separate budget for the development of new initiatives by the young members network. These initiatives to be focussed upon recruitment and building a union that is attractive and open to young people and new ideas.
· Develop a membership system that enables us to identify and monitor our membership, retention and recruitment levels amongst young people.
Conference also calls upon the NEC to report back to the next BDC on progress in recruitment and involvement of young people in PCS along with more detailed proposals outlining a strategy to ensure that PCS continues to attract young people to membership and activity into the 21st century.
Commercial Sector EDS SWANSEA
IR Newcastle

Conference notes that there is a lack of representation of the black full time officers locally or nationally, we therefore instruct the NEC within the confines of positive discrimination to:
Appoint a black full time officer preferably at Secretary level to act for and service the National Black Members Forum.

Conference notes that though the percentage of women members in PCS is over 60% that attendance on union courses (particularly residential courses) and conference is still mainly male dominated.
Conference notes the good work done by some Groups in trying to encourage more women and other under-represented groups to become active in the union. Many of the problems for under-represented groups are due to domestic commitments.
Conference instructs the National Executive Committee to:
· Conduct a survey of members of the race and disability networks and members of the national equality forums to find out what are the key barriers to involvement of under-represented groups.
· Once the results of this survey are known, put recommendations to the National Executive Committee to act on.
· Put in place arrangements for eldercare and care of dependents for PCS reps attending union courses/conferences and publicise these to all members,
· Extend the age of childcare provision on PCS courses to children aged 14.
· Set up a National PCS Women's network.

This Conference notes the slow rate of progress in merging Branches since the creation of PCS. Conference believes that members are most strongly represented when Branches pool their skills and resources based on common geographical areas and regardless of grade.
Conference therefore instructs the NEC to speed up the process of Branch mergers by:
a) delegating regional and/or national officers to assist Branches who wish to merge, and
b) requiring all Branches to ballot their members as to whether they would prefer to stay in their own Branch or merge with another Branch, based on the above principle of common geographical areas and regardless of grade.
BA(DWP) Sheffield

Conference welcomes the formation of the Disabled Member's TUC Conference, as this adds to the work being done by the TUC across the Equality field.
Conference notes that there are no card votes at TUC Equality Conferences.
In light of this, conference instructs the National Executive Committee to ensure that the maximum numbers of PCS delegates allowed under TUC rules are sent to each of the TUC Equality Conferences.
IR Leeds & District


That this BDC notes with disgust that PCS does not allow the full delegation allowed in TUC rule to attend TUC Equality Conferences. This seems to indicate a lack of commitment to equality as at these conferences motions are passed or lost by a show of hands and therefore PCS strength as a union is diminished.
This BDC therefore instructs the NEC to send the maximum number of delegates to all TUC eqality conferences.

Conference agreees that the Commercial Sector is and will undoubtedly continue to be the fastest growing segment of the union. In comparison to its Public Sector counterparts that invariably have a single employer, the Commercial Sector has many employers with members on myriad terms and conditions that are complex in the extreme. Currently, the full time officers servicing this veritable minefield of problems are stretched to their limits. In order to provide members in this fast growing area with the best service possible, Conference instructs the NEC to ensure that a minimum of 10% of the total PCS full time officers and adequate resources are dedicated to the Commercial Sector and that this proportion is increased in line with the growth of the Sector. This action to be completed within 12 months of this BDC.

This Conference censures the NEC for their 'rebuking' of the General Secretary elect for his association in a personal capacity with the Socialist Alliance at the last general Election. We commit ourselves to the democratic right of employees and lay officials of this Union to associate themselves with political parties and organisations that are not formally supported by the Union as long as they make it clear that they are doing so in a personal capacity and that the aims and objectives of the party or organisation are not contrary to the Unions rules and constitution.
BA(DWP) Sheffield

This Conference values our members in Northern Ireland.
In order to raise the profile of PCS, to aid recruitment and organisation and to give the PCS members in Northern Ireland, proper representation, steps should be taken now to appoint a paid, full-time official working from an office in Belfast.

This conference notes that PCS members in services privatised under successive governments, such as cleaning, catering, security and mailroom services, have suffered continuing attacks on their terms and conditions and are now the worst exploited group of workers in the union. Despite this there has been no concerted effort to recruit, gain recognition and improve the lot of these people.
This conference further notes that at the previous two Support and Related Grades conference motions have been passed criticising the level of service given to members in the private sector working in support services which had been privatised. One motion called for specific branch structures and groups and the other called for minimum terms and conditions comparable with Civil Service terms were passed reaffirming the Support Grade's commitment to tackling this in a serious way.
Despite this there has been no discernible improvement in PCS's attitude or organisation. It appears also that the policies of the union do not apply to them as the PCS website for private sector members said that "PCS is committed to jointly exploring pay systems where any "performance linked" element is properly funded, and supported by tranparent appraisal arrangements" despite this being in contradiction of national conference policy and disingenuous given the scant regard for equal opportunities these companies exhibit and their consistent failure to equality proof their pay systems.
This conference therefore instructs the NEC to :
1) ensure that the motions passed at the Support and Related Grades Conference are acted upon;
2) set up a dedicated section in HQ to recruit members in these areas and get recognition from the companies which employ them, ultimately aiming to set up groups in each of the specific sectors;
3) carry out a survey of members in these areas to identify the various salaries, annual leave and sick leave provisions, and equal opportunity practices;
4) pursue with Cabinet Office minimum employment standards to be required of all contractors wishing to bid for Civil Service work; and
5) obtain and issue to groups legal advice on the possibility of taking equal pay claims similar to the claim "Lawrence v Regent Office Care", where staff working for a local authority service which had been contracted out (ie now worked for a private company) were taking an equal pay claim against local authority staff.
LR Stevenage

This Conference notes that the PCS membership in the Commercial Sector is constantly growing as more contracts are won. The NEC is instructed to increase the numbers of NEC members with special responsibility for the Commercial Sector to keep pace with the increase and ensure that this growing proportion of PCS members is properly represented. This action is to be completed in time for the 2004 NEC elections.

Conference welcomes the election of the new General Secretary which shows that there is democracy within PCS. Conference is somewhat puzzled that the PCS has a General Secretary and a General Secretary Elect and that this has been the case for the passed 18 months. Conference therefore instructs the NEC that following the next election for the General Secretary, the newly elected General Secretary takes the full responsibility for the post immediately after the election. Consequently there would be no duplication of effort or salary.

Conference instructs the NEC to alter the General Areas Forum constitution to allow for its chair and vice chair to be elected by the whole membership covered by the GAF. Chair and Vice Chair positions are currently elected via card votes cast by attending GAF delegates only.
Elections should be on a one member vote basis.
The NEC shall also ensure that the GAF seeks nominations for both positions from its constituent branches.

Conference believes it is time to lay to rest the motion that civil service trade unionism should be shackled in defending members interests by the pretence of political neutrality. At a time when the future of our public services is at the centre of political debate we must make clear that our members too have a right to voice.
Conference therefore resolves to establish a political fund and instructs the NEC:
1. to conduct the required ballot during the autumn of 2002,
2. to work to raise the profile of PCS as an active campaigning trade union.
IR Burnley Taxes

Conference notes that the NEC have called for a review of strike pay levels. This Conference agrees this a review of the guidance on payment of strike pay is long overdue. The NEC are instructed to conduct such a review involving all levels of the union, including groups and branches, and prepare a report and recommendations to come back to National Conference for debate at Conference 2004.
Pending the outcome of the review, inorder to ensure consistency conference agrees that no member taking part in industrial action should be worse off proportionally than any other striker.
BA(DWP) South West Thames

Conference notes that a number of unions have established credit unions. Credit unions provide a non-profit making equitable arrangement which compare favourably with the myriad of savings and loan schemes promoted by PCS.
Conference instructs the NEC to investigate the setting up of a credit union for PCS members presenting a fully costed paper for discussion at the BDC in 2004.
IR Bootle Taxes

Conference instructs the NEC to ensure that 20% of all income from subscriptions will be put into the Campaign Fund to ensure finance is available to pay for campaigns and industrial action where necessary.
C&E Southend

This Conference notes that PCS has invested into a number of companies such as Capita Group PLC and Reed International PLC that have privatised PCS members working for them.
This Conference further notes that in the case of Reed International PLC, this is a company that runs some of the privatised Employment Zones (where profits are made from the misery of unemployment), and that it has a poor reputation when dealing with trade unions. We also bitterly remember the apology that Reeds demanded after concerns about their operations were printed in PCS View in 2001.
This Conference believes that it is completely wrong to make investments and hold shares in these companies with a view to making a profit, while at the same time PCS members could be facing attacks from these same companies. Such a position is a clear conflict of interest that must not be allowed to continue
Conference therefore instructs the NEC to ensure that the vast bulk of the shares in these particular companies are sold at the earliest opportunity, whilst leaving a minimum share holding that will enable essential and active PCS representation at the relevant company shareholders AGM's (where the interests of PCS members must be raised by PCS), and to allow access to company accounts.
BA(DWP) Essex Branch

That this BDC notes that PCS rules support victims of domestic violence but that this does not seem to be reflected in the maximum award allowed under the Benevolent Fund rules. This BDC instructs the NEC to review the rules of the Benevolent Fund to allow for loans and grants above the current maximum in exceptional circumstances.

That this BDC notes that trans-global companies move money and work from country to country depending on the cheapness of labour. The labour movement has been slow to support the workers who are attempting to set up democratic trades unions in these countries.
This BDC instructs the NEC to set up a solidarity fund to support sister unions in other countries to convene and grow.

This Conference fully appreciates the work done by trade union councils and in particular by the PCS members who form part of the TUC and who contribute to the work done by them.
Conference understands that TUC are often run on a shoestring budget with limited funding and frequently require to raise their owns funds for such basic purposes as sending PCS members to TUC Congress.
Conference believes that it would be in the interests of PCS and its members if PCS were to provide financial resources to allow PCS members of TUC to attend their respective annual TUC Congress.
Such resources should, of course, be dependent upon the financial standing of any individual TUC.
Conference instructs the NEC to support and provide cash to any TUC who requests financial assistance to send PCS members to their appropriate annual Congress provided each TUC submits evidence supporting its request.
Conference asks the NEC to take a lenient view as regards the provision of funds to TUC but in any event a grant of cash should not exceed £250 for any individual TUC.

This conference notes that the NEC intends to return conference to Brighton in 2004. The NEC is therefore instructed to increase the overnight allowance rate at conference to the level of the London overnight allowance rate, in order that delegates are able to stay in reasonable accommodation.

This Branch is concerned that the NEC proposals for subscription harmonisation would result in subscription increases for some part time members of between 60% and 112%. We believe such an increase to be unaccptably high and discriminatory and are disappointed that the NEC did not give more consideration to the damage such an increase would have on union membership amongst part time staff.
The NEC are therefore asked to reconsider their proposals and give due regard to the impact on part time members by either offering a lower part time maximum rate or a phased introduction of the new rates increase similar to that proposed for GCHQ members.

Conference is concerned that members are suffering from a deterioration of membership services. The provision of services is being eroded, particularly advice and support from the Legal Department at PCS Headquarters and the PCS solicitor.
Conference notes that PCS finances have been used to support the recent industrial action taken by ES but feel that members elsewhere should not have to suffer.
Conference instructs the in-coming NEC to ensure that the level of services provided to members is not affected by financial constraints.
Conference further instructs the in-coming NEC to find other ways of making savings that will not affect members directly.
Rule Amendments

This section could be subject to revision prior to the BDC pending the possible submission of motions pertaining to Conference Document No 3.

This BDC endorses the recommendations contained in the NEC conference paper, "Future NEC Elections", and the constitutional amendments contained therein.

A36 Falls if A35 carried
This Conference considers that a more detailed debate on the restructuring of the NEC is required. The NEC are instructed to organise a series of meetings for Branch representatives, to discuss the proposals in the NEC paper "The future for PCS national elections", and any other proposals received from Branches in the course of the discussion so far. The advantages and problems of all options such as the NEC proposals, one national constituency for the NEC, and regional constituencies, should be considered. The NEC and Branches should then submit motions to the 2004 BDC.
Meanwhile, Conference recognises the practical problems in identifying the membership of the "Administrative and Allied" and "Executive and Allied" categories. Conference therefore resolves to amend rule 7.2 to amalgamate these two categories, as follows:
Replace rule 7.2(b) with "3 Vice Presidents elected by the Administrative and Allied, Executive and Allied, and Specialist and Office Support grades categories"
Replace rule 7.2(c) with "Candidates for the 3 Vice President posts in rule 7.2(b) shall identify themselves as a member of the Administrative and Allied category, or the Executive and Allied category, or the Specialist and Office Support grades category.
The two Administrative and Allied candidates with the highest votes of candidates from the Administrative and Allied category, and the Executive and Allied or Specialist and Office Support grades candidate with the highest vote of candidates from the Executive and Allied and Specialist and Office Support grades categories shall be declared elected if such candidates are available. Otherwise the three candidates with the most votes shall be declared elected.
Replace rule 7.2(e)(i) with:
The Administrative and Allied and Executive and Allied categories
Replace rule 7.2(e)(ii) with:
Candidates for the posts in rule 7.2(e)(i) shall identify themselves as members of either the Administrative and Allied or Executive and Allied categories. Half of the available seats elected under rule 7.2(e)(i) (rounded down if need be to the nearest whole number) shall be filled by the candidates from the Administrative and Allied category with the most votes of candidates from that category, if such candidates are available. Half of the available seats (rounded down if need be to the nearest whole number) shall be filled by the candidates from the Executive and Allied category with the most votes of candidates from that category, if such candidates are available. Any remaining seats shall be filled by the highest polling candidates, from either category, not declared elected under the previous provisions.
Rule 7.5 shall be deleted.
In rule 7.6 the groups of seats paragraph (a) shall be replaced by:
"Rule 7.2(b) and (e)(i)" and the specified election at paragraph (a) shall be replaced by Rule 7.2(e)(i).
C&E Liverpool

Conference believes that in the democratic interests of this Union and its members the national Executive Committee should be elected annually. We therefore agree to amend PR9 by deleting "every two years" and replacing it with "annually".
Cangen AGPh etc.

That this BDC agrees to amend Rule 7.2 of the PCS Constitution and Rules as follows:
Add Final Paragraph
"No member of the National Executive Committee shall sit on a Group Executive Committee unless they have been elected by the members of that Group in a Group Executive Committee election held in accordance with the Rules of that Group."

Motions A39, A40 and A41 to be taken in a general debate

Rule change: amend PR7 be deleting "once every two years" and replacing it with "annually".
BA(DWP) Hampshire & IOW

A40 Falls if A39 carried.
This conference agrees that PCS members need to have the opportunity to consider Union policy every year, as was the case in all the predecessor Unions. The gap between conferences has left members without the opportunity to respond to new issues or to new government initiatives. Conference therefore agrees that it is time that this issue was again considered by members.
Conference therefore agrees to amend principal rule 7 to "A delegate conference (other than special delegate conferences) shall be held every year over a period of at least three full days". The NEC are instructed to recommend support for, and campaign in favour of this rule change in the membership ballot.

A41 Falls if A39 or A40 carried.
Principal Rule 7
Conference Notes the carriage of Motion 368 at the 1998 National Conference and severely censures the NEC for its failure to carry out the terms of the resolution.
In requiring a change to the Constitution to facilitate the restoration of an Annual National Conference, the Conference instructed the NEC to campaign in favour of the rule change in the Membership ballot required by PR's 13 and 18.
The NEC signally failed to carry out this instruction, in so doing breaching PR8 which requires the NEC to conduct its affairs in accordance with the policies determined by Delegate Conference.
Accordingly, Conference recognises that the ballot on Annual National Conference conducted in 1999 did not meet the terms of Motion 368/98 on PR8 and as such was erroneously conducted.
Conference therefore Agrees to amend PR7 to read:
"A delegate conference (other than special delegate conferences) shall be held every year over a period of at least 5 full days".
The NEC are specifically instructed to recommend support for, and campaign in favour of this Rule change in the further membership ballot.
Conference further directs the NEC not to tamper with the ballot questions and that members shall have the opportunity to vote 'Yes' to approve the Rule Amendment.
The NEC is further directed not to circulate materials aimed at undermining Conference decisions.
Conference so directs the NEC.
War Pensions Agency National

Conference agrees to amend principal rule PR11 by deleting the existing text and substituting the following:
'The Senior Full-time Officers shall consist of a General Secretary, two Deputy General Secretaries, and one Assistant General Secretary. The Assistant General Secretary shall also be the National Treasurer of the Union. The General Secretary and other Senior Full-time Officers posts shall be filled by an election, conducted on the same basis as that laid down for membership ballots under these Principal Rules. The first elections for the two Deputy General Secretaries, and one Assistant General Secretary, shall be conducted in the spring of 2003. A person so elected shall serve for a period of five years, subject to not having reached their normal retirement date (as specified under their contract of employment). In the event of a casual vacancy arising of any of the Senior Full-time Officers during their five year term of office, the vacancy shall be filled by an election, conducted in accordance with this rule.'
LR Lytham

Conference agrees that the terms of principal rule PR20, as amended at the BDC 2000, may inadvertently restrict the union's ability to implement Conference resolutions, and may also conflict with principal rule PR13 regarding proper notice to Branches of proposed ballots. Conference therefore agrees to amend principal rule PR20 as follows:
(a) In the third sentence, following the word 'rules', insert: '(where, and only where, the NEC is asking members to reject a motion carried by Delegate Conference)'.
(b) In sub-para. (b), delete the words: 'Where the NEC have decided to oppose the policy or rule amendment'.
(c) Delete sub-para. (c).
(d) In sub-para. (d) (to be renumbered as (c)), delete the words 'relating to the ballot' and substitute: 'arguing for or against the motion in question'.
IR Cambridge Revenue

Conference believes that all delegates to regional TUC structures should be subject to democratic elections by all PCS branches in the respective regions. We further believe that while PCS regional and national officers should be allowed to stand for these posts, they should also be subject to exactly the same democratic procedures.
Conference therefore agrees to add the following rule after 7.32.
7.33 All delegates for regional TUC bodies shall be elected each year at the appropriate time by PCS branches in those regions. Regional and national PCS officers may nominate themselves for these posts, but will be subject to the same democratic election process. The NEC shall be responsible for organising annual elections for each regional TUC delegation.
BA(DWP) Liverpool Area

Constitutional amendment.
Conference recognises that the present election procedure for the National Appeals Committee would benefit from reform and therefore agrees to amend the appropriate supplementary rules as follows:
Supplementary Rules 6.23
Add new point:
"(d) all members of the National Appeals Committee".
Supplementary Rules 10.12
Line 2 after 'elected' delete "by secret, individual membership ballot" insert "under supplementary rule 6.23".

This Conference believes that the Death Benefit sum should be increased and Conference agrees the following amendment to the Constitution:-
Supplementary Rule 9.21 In the first sentence delete "£1,100" and insert "£3,000"

That this BDC agrees the words ", provided that the expenses of doing so are met solely from funds raised by the Branch's own activities" be deleted from Rule 6.37, and replaced with ". Where any Branch holds sufficient funds in its main account and the Branch gives authority for this action, expenses for observers to Conference can be met from these funds. Otherwise the expenses of doing should be met from funds raised by the Branch's own activities."
Commercial Sector MIDLANDS IT
LCD N Circuit Gtr Manchester

This conference agrees to amend Rule 4.17 as follows:
Delete "which the NEC considers to be…".
Add new second sentence.
"Branches shall be free to agree affiliations and make donations to organisations approved by biennial delegate conference and after decision at a duly convened branch meeting".
Commercial Sector SBS NS GLASGOW
BA(DWP) Central Services

This Conference agrees to the following rule amendment:
Rule 6.20 - Standing Orders Committee, delete the second sentence, 'At least one member shall be drawn from each of the following three groups of grades; (a) administrative and allied; (b) executive and office support; (c) revenue staffs.

Principal Rule 2
Delete in its entirety, insert:
"PR2 Delegate Conference shall be the sovereign policy-making body of the Union, and shall determine the policies of the Union.
Between Delegate Conferences, the NEC shall have discretion to determine the policy of the Union on any matter, consistent with the policies established by Delegate Conference".
Conference instructs the NEC to arrange a ballot of the members under Principal Rule 13 to bring about the above constitutional amendment and further instructs the NEC to recommend that members vote in favour of the change.

Principal Rule 19
Delete in its entirety
Insert New Principal Rule:
"PR19. All membership ballots shall be workplace ballots unless prevented by legislation.
All eligible members have the right to a vote".
Conference instructs the NEC to arrange a ballot of the members under Principal Rule 13 to bring about the above constitutional amendment and further instructs the NEC to recommend that members vote in favour of the change.

This conference agrees to amend PCS Supplementary Rule No 5.5 by deleting the second sentence of the rule.
Prison Service NORTH WESTERN

Conference believes that it should not be necessary for motions at main conference to be seconded and agrees to amend rule A3 by deleting 'and Seconded immediately after the mover's speech', rule A21 by deleting, 'and the Seconder shall proceed to the vicinity of an alternative rostrum', 'in either case', 'or Seconding'.


This Conference believes that the increasingly bellicose nature of US foreign policy is a growing threat to world peace. In particular, conference shares the following concerns expressed recently by EU senior officials and member states, that:
President Bush has now declared his intention to spread the war to countries such as Iran, Iraq and North Korea, despite there being no evidence produced to suggest that these countries 'sponsor terrorism'.
The Bush administration recently announced a massive $48bn (£34bn) increase in defence spending. The US now spends more on defence than the next 10 richest countries of the world combined.
The Bush administration remains resolutely opposed to proposals for an international criminal court, a ban on anti-personnel landmines, action against biological weapons, a comprehensive test ban treaty and the Kyoto treaty on climate change.
Conference notes that the bombing of Afghanistan has now caused even more civilian loss of life than the horrific death toll of 11 September 2001, but it has clearly failed to tackle terrorism or its causes. Further military action will only add to the numbers of innocent dead, cause political and economic instablity on a global scale, increase racism and undermine civil liberties.
Conference pledges the union to the cause of peace, and calls on the TUC to:
· Press the UK Government to oppose the above US policies.
· Campaign against breaches of international law, including torture and mistreatment of prisoners held by the US.
· Support recognised international development initiatives to reduce global poverty and the causes of strife.
DfEE Midlands IT

That this conference is deeply concerned about the breakdown in the Middle East peace process and calls for all positive steps to be taken to reach a lasting solution which will provide an independent and sovereign state of Palestine under the provisions of the UN resolutions.
Conference pays tribute to the brave work being undertaken by the Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) in its attempts to secure a peaceful solution.
Conference therefore condemns the bombing of their HQ in Nablus on 17 February by Israeli defence force helicopters at a time when the PGFTUs members and families are trying to sustain some kind of existence under the present conditions, not least unemployment levels of over 60% and worsening.
Conference pledges its support to all those trade unionists in Palestine and Israel committed to a peaceful solution to the conflict and instructs the NEC to engage in a dialogue with all trade union organisations in Palestine and Israel who are committed to a peaceful solution and to develop solidarity with them which will help achieve these aims and in particular alleviate the massive suffering and oppression of Palestinian trade unionists.
Conference also instructs the NEC to pursue this policy with the TUC, Scottish TUC, Wales TUC and the British Government with the utmost vigour and determination.
Scottish Executive EDINBURGH LEITH
DfEE Midlands

Conference asserts the rights of the Cuban people to self-detirmination. Cuba faces a massive campaign of economic intimidation and political destablisation of which the blockade is a weapon aimed at the right to such self-determination.
Conference instructes the NEC to:
· campaign to end the blockade winning support for this campaign within the TUC and other Trade Union Affiliations
· develop links with sister unions in Cuba enabling an exchange of views and information
· press the UK Government to continue to support free and fair trade with Cuba.

Conference reiterates its' support for the campaign to prevent the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal which was expressed in motion 168/00. We welcome the coverage which was given in the October 2000 edition of "PCS News".
Conference recognises that a number of organisations and individuals have questioned his conviction and/or opposed his execution. These include Amnesty International, the African National Congress, the European Parliament, the American National Black Police Association, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Reverend Jesse Jackson.
We note with regret that the judge considering this case, (William Yohn), has refused Mumia's application for a re-trial even though another man, (Arnold Beverly), has confessed to the shooting of police officer Daniel Faulkner. He has, however, overturned the death sentence which was imposed and ordered a new sentencing hearing to be held by mid-June 2002. If a hearing takes place, Mumia could again be sentenced to death. If it is not held, he will automatically be sentenced to life imprisonment.
Conference instructs the NEC to continue to give the union's full support to this campaign by:
(1) Writing to Judge Yohn to demand that:
· he hears Arnold Beverly's confession
· he gives consideration to all the evidence which demonstrates Mumia's innocence and which he has been denied the opportunity to present
· Mumia is allowed to be present at all legal proceedings relating to his case
· Mumia is released from prison due to the lack of evidence to indict or convict him
(2) Giving further publicity to the campaign by publishing a further article in "PCS News" which updates members on developments
(3) Encouraging Branches to support this campaign


This Conference notes with alarm the continuing push by transnational corporations, through the world trade organisation (WTO), to win agreement for the proposed general agreement on trade in services (GATS). Such an agreement would open up all public services to privatisation, irreversibly stripping national and local, democratically accountable, organisations of all controls.
The European Union has declared that "GATS is first and foremost, an instrument for the benefit of business." The EU commissioner for trade negotiates on behalf of all EU member states within the world trade organisation and it is noted that the 'Nice' treaty on the European Union allows for qualified majority voting in matters of trade.
This conference recognises that GATS is one very important part of the drive towards globalisation with its aim of regulating governments, not corporations and instructs the National Executive Committee to vigorously campaign to expose the real nature and role of the EU in promoting privatisation, an end to democratic accountability and the promotion of private profit before people's needs.

Conference recognises that the potential of international trade to lift millions of people out of poverty is being lost, because the current trade regime is loaded in favour of the most powerful trading nations and their large corporations. Substantial and wide-ranging changes are essential to ensure the regime instead promotes poverty reduction, respect for human rights, and environmental sustainability.
Conference therefore welcomes the launch of Oxfam's Trade Justice Campaign and agrees to support it by:
· Raising awareness among PCS members of issues relating to globalisation and international trade.
· Using PCS members' power as consumers to encourage the use of 'fair trade' products in workplaces.
· Raising the unfairness of the current trading regime within the TUC and international labour movement.
· Urging the UK Government and the European Union to use their influence in the World Trade Organisation and other forums to seek improvements in the world trade regime that benefit the poor.

This Conference believes that the increasingly bellicose nature of US foreign policy is a growing threat to world peace. In particular, conference shares the following concerns expressed recently by EU senior officials and member states, that:
· President Bush has now declared his intention to spread the war to countries such as Iran, Iraq and North Korea, despite there being no evidence produced to suggest that these countries 'sponsor terrorism'.
· The Bush administration recently announced a massive $48bn (£34bn) increase in defence spending. The US now spends more on defence than the next 10 richest countries of the world combined.
· The Bush administration remains resolutely opposed to proposals for an international criminal court, a ban on anti-personnel landmines, action against biological weapons, a comprehensive test ban treaty and the Kyoto treaty on climate change.
Conference notes that the bombing of Afghanistan has now caused even more civilian loss of life than the horrific death toll of 11 September 2001, but it has clearly failed to tackle terrorism or its causes. Further military action will only add to the numbers of innocent dead, cause political and economic instablity on a global scale, increase racism and undermine civil liberties.
Conference pledges the union to the cause of peace, and calls on the TUC to:
· Press the UK Government to oppose the above US policies.
· Campaign against breaches of international law, including torture and mistreatment of prisoners held by the US.
· Support recognised international development initiatives to reduce global poverty and the causes of strife.
Health & Safety

That this BDC notes that the transfer of the Civil Service Estates into the private sector has not improved the running of the accommodation or the provision of health and safety.
The private sector is not fulfilling its obligations in maintaining an acceptable state of accommodation and has failed in numerous instances to perform in a competent manner, including non payment of refuse collectors causing health hazards and non payment of rents resulting, for example in bailiffs being called to Inland Revenue offices.
This conference instructs the NEC to:
1. Publicise, no later than December 2002, a review and analysis of the results of the transfers of the estate including a catalogue of the main errors perpetuated upon Civil Servants.
2. Petition the Public accounts Committee to investigate the business economics of the transfers and the resulting performance of the companies using the review from point 1 above as evidence.

Conference recognises the inability of Government Departments to take Health and Safety seriously, and further notes the growing prevalence of private firms such as Trillium providing Health and Safety services to Departments (or not, as the case may be).
Conference notes that the upshot of this is a complete paralysis on the part of the Employer in adhering to Health and Safety legislation, and recognises that members often have an urgent need to obtain protection from attempts by the Employer to downgrade the office working environment.
Conference Agrees that the response of PCS to this situation is in need of significant improvement, and that, in particular, robust legal challenges must be mounted by PCS against the Employer's inability to read, understand and follow Health and Safety legislation. Conference threfore directs the NEC as follows.
1. to increase the resources into PCS Health and Safety Department
2. to ensure that legal resources, including solicitors are available to take up and urgently pursue Health and Safety challenges when requested via Group and/or Branches.
3. to ensure that the Groups/Branches raising the issue continue to be fully involved in development of the legal challenge, as considerable expertise may well be held by the said Groups/Branches in relation to particular issues.

Conference agrees that Mobile Telephone Base Stations (MTBSs) are a potential threat to health and notes that the Government sponsored Stewart Report recommended a precautionary approach to their installation. Conference also notes the revision to consultation procedures published by DETR in March 2001.
Conference believes that it is inappropriate for MTBSs to be installed on any buildings occupied by the civil service. and therefore all further installations should be banned. The NEC are instructed to seek to implement such a ban with the cabinet Office and are further instructed to:
i) Launch a campaign against MTBSs in conjunction with other unions and campaigns where practicable.
ii) Issue a campaign pack to every branch.
iii) Seek an audit of all existing MTBSs on buildings occupied by the civil service with a view to campaigning for their removal.
iv) Negotiate the right of members to move from these locations on compulsory transfer terms, where they feel their health is at risk.
v) Ensure that letters are placed on personnel files recording that members are working in offices where a MTBS has been installed.
vi) Support all branches and members campaigning against installation of MTBSs, including supporting industrial action submissions.
BA(DWP) Hampshire & IOW

Conference believes that the House of Lords rulings reversing awards on work-related stress are part of an employer's offensive against increased legal rights for workers.
Conference instructs the NEC to issue guidance on work-related stress to Groups and Branches; to circulate best practice agreements on stress management and publish advice to members in the light of the Lords rulings.

This BDC recognises that the lack of Health and Safety legislation and guidance relating to maximum work temperatures is resulting in members working in unaceptable conditions. This problem is exacerbated by modern office environments and equipment.
The NEC is therefore instructed to campaign through the TUC and other appropriate bodies for this issue to be tackled in guidance and legislation.

A113 - Number not allocated.

That this BDC notes the increasing use of psychologically based management systems within the Civil Service such as the "competence framework summary" and the "transformational change agenda". It further notes that no responsibility is taken by the employer to define their purpose or for failures of such systems.
This conference recognises that such systems are designed to alter psychologically people's behaviour in order to conform to transitory and questionable "business theories".
It instructs the NEC to seek to ensure that:-
a) The purposes and intent of such systems is clearly defined.
b) That full risk analysis of the systems be introduced.
c) That such systems not be introduced unless they can be positively demonstrated to not inculcate stress or psychological damage in those upon whom they are imposed.
d) That the incidence of stress from management changes be a matter dealt with at local, regional, and national level under Health and Safety procedures in such a way that it has to be demonstrated that stress will not result rather than, as now, dealing with the position only when stress has been demonstrated by individual aberrant behaviour.

Conference congratulates the thousands of members in DWP who took strike action in support of the union's Jobcentre Plus Safety Campaign.
Conference recognises that violence in the work place is on the increase. Conference believes that violence towards staff should not be tolerated by any employer or employee.
Conference instructs the NEC to initiate, in conjuction with other unions such as UNISON, GMB, TGWU and GMB, a "Campaign for Workplace Safety" This campaign will include the following elements:
i) A workers' safety charter
ii) Public and media awareness campaign
iii) Demonstrations
iv) Lobbying
v) Industrial action where necessary
BA(DWP) Sheffield

This Conference recognises the potential dangers that our members face when working in our offices without adequate security measures.
Conference notes the refusal to date of Senior management to take the issue of staff safety seriously.
In order to highlight Management's responsibility to provide a safe working environment for their employees through their vicarious liability, Conference instructs the NEC to provide the following: that in the event of any PCS member being assaulted by a client while undertaking their official duties, the full Legal resources of PCS will be placed at the disposal of the Union member, for the consideration in EVERY event of prosecuting the appropriate Manager for negligence under the vicarious liability provisions in the Safety at Work legislative provisions.

This Conference believes that PCS health and safety reps are a much-underused resource and they tend to operate on the periphery of normal organised union structures. Conference instructs the NEC to look into ways that the health and safety reps could be brought into the mainstream of union activity, in particular, using the provisions of the Safety Representatives and Safety Representatives Regulations, and report back to Branches as soon as reasonably practicable.


This conference reaffirms that the delegation of pay bargaining and the consequent break up of the unified Civil Service grading structure have proved to be detrimental to PCS' members' interests. Delegated pay has, in Conference's view, compromised PCS's ability to improve pay levels on behalf of its entire Civil Service membership by virtue of weakening of the union's bargaining position, a view reinforced by the overwhelming support for motion A71 shown in the membership ballot following the 2000 Biennial Delegate Conference (BDC). Conference reiterates its commitment to the principle and policy of establishing national pay negotiation and a unified grading system for the benefit of PCS members working in the Civil Service. Conference reaffirms that such a unified pay system must be fair and transparent, and therefore cannot be based on the discredited concept of performance related pay. In addition, Conference notes the continuing drain on union resources that results from having to service 172 separate pay bargaining areas, the vast majority of which came within scope of centralised pay bargaining until the advent of pay delegation.
While acknowledging that pay delegation is not in the interests of PCS members, Conference agrees, however, that the current delegated pay system is still centrally controlled by Treasury, and that PCS's response to this situation requires an effective national pay strategy as opposed to tacit acceptance of delegated pay bargaining and the fragmentation of the Civil Service grading structure. Conference therefore reasserts that it seeks the introduction of national pay bargaining, and that achieving national pay bargaining requires the introduction of a unified Civil Service grading system as opposed to the plethora of grading systems adopted by Departments and Agencies since delegation, thereby reaffirming the national pay and grading policy set out in Motion A1, which was endorsed by the 1998 BDC.
While recognising that genuine advances on the issue of progression have been made in the past year, Conference is concerned that real progress towards national pay continues to be hindered by the lack of an effective national pay strategy. Although Conference does not underestimate the difficulties of securing national pay bargaining or service wide rates of pay supported by a unified grading structure, it does recognise that the policy is clear and instructs the National Executive Committee (NEC) to ensure its implementation by carrying out the following measures:
· Seeking to establish a national grading framework framework designed to align Departmental and Agency specific grading systems to remove grading and therefore pay anomalies, and facilitate mobility and career development across Departments and Agencies by achieving a 'one to one' read across between Departmental and Agency grades, pay ranges and pay bands across the Civil Service as whole.
· To seek to negotiate the nature and scope of Treasury Pay Remits to Departments and Agencies to secure a guaranteed national minimum cost of living increase; progression to pay band maxima that are recognised as the rate for the job; and an effective national approach to equality proofing Departmental and Agency pay systems.
· Drawing up a national pay claim and presenting it to all PCS members for endorsement prior to submitting to the employer at the beginning of the pay round. The claim to include a minimum cost of living element; progression to max after 5 years, moves to end low pay; minimum pay standards for work of equal value; minimum leave entitlements; a reduction in working hours; family friendly improvements; and opposition to all forms of performance related pay. The claim will also address London cost of living issues, and seek to introduce London Weighting at a level that will fully compensate PCS members in all Departments and Agencies for the increased travel, accommodation and other costs associated with working in London.
This Conference accepts that establishing a national framework agreement on pay is an important step towards achieving national pay bargaining, and it welcomes the production of national pay leaflets and the tabling of a draft national framework agreement. However, Conference recognises that the Civil Service remains wedded to the continuing fragmentation of both pay and grading, and that extensive campaigning and co-ordination of pay bargaining within Civil Service bargaining units will be required if PCS is to achieve the transition to a unified pay and grading system. Conference therefore instructs the NEC to take the following measures:
· To undertake sustained parliamentary lobbying for a national framework agreement that restores the right to negotiate nationally on all pay related matters and sets minimum standards across all bargaining areas.
· To achieve greater co-ordination between delegated pay bargaining areas, including establishing regular pay fora comprising lay and full time negotiators.
· To ensure that PCS's national pay team acts as the recognised main point of contact between the NEC and pay bargaining areas, and expanded to include negotiators from delegated areas when appropriate. The pay team will clear pay claims and monitor progress in negotiations, offer a research and legal facility, and ensure that approaches at delegated level are consistent with the national pay strategy.
· To consider national campaigning initiatives, up to and including industrial action, should the employer reject the national pay claim, a national pay framework and a national grading framework.
· To seek to maximise the involvement of activists at an early stage of the campaign by using the regional office network and bargaining structures to convene pay planning meetings.
· To instigate local pay campaigning activities, including town, city or regional pay rallies.
· To use the equality proofing process and a vigorous equal pay legal strategy to counter performance pay and end discrimination towards sections of the unions' membership.
· To consider a claim and campaign activities that address the specific cost of living issues, particularly housing and transport costs, confronting PCS members in London and the southeast,
· To commission independent studies into members pay as called for in motion A71.
· To produce regularly issued publicity material highlighting the key issues of performance pay, low pay, 35-hour working week and equal opportunities issues, including family friendly policies, child care programme and equality proofing of all pay and personnel systems.
Conference recognised that PCS now needs to develop and intensify the national campaign to achieve national pay bargaining based on a unified grading structure. In taking this position, Conference believes that this will not only take forward PCS policy, but also strengthen the hand of PCS negotiators in every one of the 172 devolved bargaining units, while acting to serve give notice of the unions' determination to move towards national pay and a unified Civil Service grading system. The NEC are therefore instructed to carry out the terms of this motion and conduct the necessary high profile campaign needed to achieve a unified pay and grading system.
National Executive Committee

A119 Falls if A118 carried
Conference endorses the aims of the PCS pay strategy that seeks, notably, the reintroduction of guaranteed progression; the breaking of links between pay and performance; and, eradicating pay inequity for our women members.
In particular conference notes the breakthrough 3 year agreement worth 22.3% reached in the National Assembly for Wales affecting nearly 2000 PCS members. The efforts of the GEC and PCS regional office has resulted in a full return to an increment system, the severing of direct links between annual pay and performance, a £10,000 minimum wage, no loss of increments for staff on career break and a commitment to improve flexible work choices as the highlights of a settlement accepted by 87% of members in a high turn out ballot.
Conference notes these landmark achievement in pay were achieved through a negotiation strategy centred around an alliance of interests including the PCS, EOC and Wales Assembly Government politicians, dedicated to eradicating unequal pay for women.
Conference therefore instructs the NEC to immediately promulgate the strategy employed in the National Assembly for Wales
(building an alliance around the just cause of equal pay for women),
among all GECs and bargaining areas

A120 Falls if A118 carried
That this BDC recognises that a return to National Collective Pay Bargaining is the only way to ensure that all PCS members working in the Civil Service receive the appropriate rate for the grade they work.
Conference therefore instructs the NEC to lodge a formal claim for an end to delegated pay bargaining with the Prime Minister for the 2002 pay round.
Conference further instructs the NEC to take the following action should the response be in the negative;
· Lodge, with immediate effect, test cases from across the range of Departments & Agencies highlighting pay differentials with the appropriate courts.
· Balllot of PCS members recommending an end to all forms of co-operation with cross-policy bodies and closer working initiatives.

A121 Falls if A118 carried

This conference notes that National Framework Agreement on Pay in the Civil Service
We feel that branches and sections of the union need to be more involved in campaigns, strategy and policy that link in with the union policy for a national pay agreement.
If we are to prioritise the eradication of poverty pay we need the involvement of the whole union.
We therefore call on the incoming National Executive Committee to organise a national pay conference.
Passport Agency NATIONAL

This Conference notes the Cabinet Office advice to management negotiators that pay awards should be equality proofed. Conference further notes the evidence that performance pay awards have discriminated against members in minority groups. Conference instructs the NEC to give firm advice to PCS pay negotiators that:
Management offers should be equality proofed;
· This should involve more than a statistical survey of the effect of past pay awards - the likely impact of the offer on minorities and its compliance with equal pay and discrimination legislation should be evaluated by management and the union;
· Offers which appear to be discriminatory on grounds of gender, race, disability or working patterns should be referred to the NEC for advice;
· Such offers should only be recommended to members with the approval of the NEC, and such approval should only be given in exceptional circumstances.
Groups should work together with the NEC to tackle the effect of previous discriminatory pay awards, using a combination of bargaining by Groups, and a co-ordinated legal strategy resourced by the NEC.
LR Leicester

Conference agrees that members should be kept informed of the progress of pay negotiations as much as possible. While recognising that it is impractical and sometimes undesirable for every single development in negotiations to be reported to members, negotiations in the bargaining areas should be as open as possible. Noting that some Departments are more open than others and that National support and intervention might be necessary in some cases, Conference instructs the NEC to:-
· negotiate a national code of practice, through the Council of Civil Service Unions, with the Cabinet Office/ Treasury which supports the efforts of any pay teams in the various bargaining areas seeking a more open pay negotiating style;
· support any of our pay teams needing to resist attempts by management to impose excessively restrictive confidentiality arrangements.
BA (DWP) Newcastle Central Executive

A124 (Comprehensive composite motion)
This conference regrets the lack of progress on a 35 hour working week for PCS members. Stressful work targets make this a priority for the national union. We instruct the NEC to:
· Produce a pamphlet setting out the case for a 35 hour working week with no loss of pay and without Treasury hard charging against the pay bill;
· Continue to give advice to delegated areas to include the demand in pay claims;
· Put the proposal to members for endorsement as part of a national pay claim;
· Conduct a high profile membership and public campaign;
· Submit a motion or amendment to the 2002 Trade Union Congress calling for a campaign amongst public sector unions in favour of a 35 hour working week.
War Pensions Agency National

Conference notes that it is now more ten years since London Weighting (LW) was increased.
Conference further notes that, since the abolition of national pay bargaining, LW has bee incorporated into members' pay as Recruitment and Retention Allowance (RRA), along with other additional allowances. This effectively means that there is no longer a mechanism to negotiate an increase of RRA for London members on a cross department/agency basis.
Conference therefore instructs the NEC to:
1. Organise a conference for all London branches, the conference to agree to appropriate increase of LW members require, and to set up a campaign committee.
2. Seek an urgent meeting with the head of the Civil Service, and commence negotiations to achieve a national pay bargaining mechanism for the restoration and substantial increase of LW, in conjunction with the overall national pay bargaining campaign strategy.
3. Commence a campaign amongst the membership, highlighting the need to restore LW, and keeping members regularly updated of the progress of the campaign.
4. Include in the campaign that the use of industrial action, up to and including strike action, will be used, if necessary, to achieve our aims.

Social & Economic

Conference reaffirms the PCS's commitment to a publicly funded, publicly owned and democratically NHS, free at the point of use.
We note and condemn the government's use of Private Finance Initiative (PFI) and Public Private Partnership (PPP) schemes, involving private enterprise funding of NHS buildings and services.
We also condemn the government's recent plans to allocate NHS patients to the private sector, at home and abroad.
Conference believes that crisis in the NHS is a result of vast under funding of the NHS by successive governments.
We totally oppose the use of PFI and PPP schemes, which have already proven to mean in cuts in jobs; cuts in beds and service delivery; reduction in the skills mix of the workforce; reductions in health and safety standards; increased bureaucracy and administrative costs at public expense; profiteering by private investors; and obscene salaries for the fat cat directors.
Conference calls for an end to these privatisation measures and calls instead for vastly increased public funding of the NHS to at least the level of the best in Europe - paid for by the progressive taxation of the rich and public ownership of the giant, highly profitable pharmaceutical companies.
We also call for steps to replace the un-elected Trust quangos with a system of democratically elected NHS boards involving the NHS unions, patients representatives and the government.
BA(DWP) Glasgow Central, Lomond & Argyll

Motions A127 and A128 will be taken in a general debate.

Conference believes that closer economic co-operation with other European countries is in the best long-term interests of British working people, including PCS members, and therefore supports in principle UK membership of the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).
Conference notes that EMU membership would help promote a European social model of development in this country, in particular strong public services, improved workplace rights, enhanced social protection systems, and a more equal society - as opposed to the regressive economic and social policies previously pursued by governments in both Britain and the United States. Moreover, only the closest possible economic co-operation between European countries will allow them to exert effective democratic control over transnational corporations and financial institutions, in the interests of working people not only in Europe but throughout the developing world.
However, Conference also notes the current, highly restrictive, rules of the EMU in relation to public spending deficits by national governments. Conference believes that for Britain, whose public services have been starved of investment for decades, EMU membership under such conditions would be potentially damaging. In addition the remit given to the European Central Bank makes monetary stability its overriding policy goal, to the exclusion of other factors such as employment, growth, and the maintenance of public services.
Conference therefore calls on the Government to seek fundamental reforms in the EMU framework, so that the interests of public services, and of public service workers, would not be damaged by Britain's eventual membership.
Conference notes that the introduction of a single European currency would have major practical implications for PCS members working in a number of different government departments. Conference therefore instructs the NEC to ensure that the union is fully consulted over official transition plans, in the event of a positive referendum vote.

This conference agrees to campaign within the trade union movement and the wider public against the European Economic and Monetary Union. We believe adopting the single currency in the UK would increase unemployment, threaten public services, undermine workers rights, increase inequality between the richest and poorest regions of the EC and reduce public control over economic decisions that shape our lives.
Conference instructs the NEC to ensure that:
· PCS delegations to trade union and other bodies shall vote against proposals for a single currency;
· PCS shall campaign against a single currency in union material while allowing for a full exchange of views in the pages of PCS Magazine.
· In the event of a referendum being called, PCS resources are used to help secure a No vote.
· PCS co-operates with those unions who share this view and seek an exchange of information and conduct joint campaigning with trade unionists throughout Europe opposed to the European Economic and Monetary Union.
DETR West Midlands

This Conference notes:
1. Postcomm, the official body regulating postal services, has announced that, starting late March, private-profit delivery companies will be allowed to cherry-pick bulk business mail;
2. A universal postal service, delivering mail promptly everywhere at a single price, is possible only as a public service within which the costs of more difficult or remote deliveries are averaged out with cheaper-to-deliver city-centre mail. The move towards privatisation will mean a two-tier service, quick and cheap for big business, slow and expensive for the rest;
3. The immediate effect of the Postcomm plan will be much increased pressure to cut jobs and worsen conditions for postal workers;
4. The New Labour government is backing Postcomm and has supported the private rail companies against the railworkers;
This Conference therefore resolves:
1. To pledge support for the CWU in its resistance to the Postcomm plans and its current pay dispute;
2. To encourage local branches to approach CWU and RMT union branches to organise a joint public meeting and form a cross-union committee, which will campaign for solidarity, for strike funds, and for public support;
3. To call on the TUC to organise a special recall conference. The first item on the agenda of such a conference should be the organisation of a huge jointly-sponsored trade-union demonstration to support keeping services public, oppose privatisation, and demand renationalisation under democratic workers' and users' control of privatised sectors like the railways.
IR South East Wales

Conference notes that under its so-called welfare to work policy the Government has embarked on a program of tightening up of benefit provision to all claimants. Using the banner work for those who can, welfare for those who can't, they are set to make all benefits conditional on looking for work, for all claimants including the disabled into accepting any job regardless of pay or conditions.
Conference rejects this approach and re-affirms its view that a properly funded, publicly administered benefits system should be available to all who need it.
Conference instructs the NEC to pursue a high profile, political and public campaign for:
· A properly funded benefits system with rates linked to the average wage.
· All benefits to be uprated annually in line with average wage increases.
· The removal of conditionality.
· Opposition to the 3 yearly testing of disabled.
· Abolition of the social fund and its replacement by a system of properly funded grants.
· Opposition to the benefits system being used to penalise those who default on community service orders.
· A review of Housing Benefit to ensure rates fully meet the cost of a decent standard of accommodation.
BA(DWP) Greater Manchester

This branch supports the demands of the Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers, which are:
· The right to work for asylum seekers
· Income Support for asylum seekers
· Abolition of detention centres,
· No dispersal
· Full legal rights and representation
· The repeal of the Asylum and Immigration Act which criminalises asylum seekers by detention, separating them even more from the rest of society and under which deportation can lead to incarceration, torture and even death in their homeland countries
This Branch notes that the UN Commissioner for Refugees has condemned sections of the British Press and politicians for whipping up hatred against asylum seekers. This Branch condemns racist speeches and news headlines, which can lead to racist violence and intolerance.
This Branch urges PCS to campaign for favourable policies for asylum seekers and publicise PCS anti racist agenda. This Branch further supports measures to tackle the conditions of war, persecution and poverty that drive desparate people to seek refuge from their homeland.
ONS London

This Conference recognises that DWP staff are facing increasing levels of violence and abuse. Conference further recognises that a major factor in this increase is the growth of drug use within the communities we serve and the use of weapons associated with this.
Conference is concerned that the policies of successive governments concerning drugs have been ineffective in dealing with both the roots and the symptoms of this problem. Conference notes too that at high levels in the police force there is concern about the failings of policy on drugs.
Conference therefore calls on the NEC to mount a campaign for a full review of government policy on drugs with a view to decreasing the risks faced by our members in their workplaces and elsewhere.

This Conference notes the alarming levels of poverty and ill health amongst children, including cases of malnutrition, which then has devastating effects in later life.
We also recognise that the current provision of free school meals is woefully inadequate in several respects; the stigma attached discourages uptake by many children entitled; new benefit systems mean many low paid families do not qualify.
Conference notes the Bill in the Scottish Parliament demanding free, nutritious school meals and milk for children in all schools; as a measure against poverty, ill health and poor diet. We note the support for this measure from Child Poverty Action Group, other anti-poverty groups, and several trade unions including the EIS, SSTA, UNISON and Scottish TUC Women's Committee.
Conference supports this provision of free, healthy school meals and milk for all school children at primary and secondary level, in Scotland and throughout Britain. We call upon PCS NEC to campaign throughout the TUC and through MP's to further this demand.
BA(DWP) Glasgow Central, Lomond & Argyll

This Conference recognises the struggle being undertaken by the 87 sacked Friction Dynamics workers in Caernarfon. These workers, members of the TGWU, were sacked by their employer on June 28th last year when their strike exceeded the 8 week protection given by the law. Since then, the sacked workers have maintained a 24-hour picket line and existed on strike pay of only £43 per week.
The NEC is instructed to make a donation to the strike fund of £3000 to show our support and solidarity for these workers.

This Conference is aware of the Government's current consideration of charging employees a proposed fee of £100 in order to pursue a claim against their employer through the Employment Tribunal provisions.
This Conference unreservedly rejects such a move and therefore calls upon the NEC to organise the following action:
That the NEC liaises with all other TUC affiliates to organise a concerted campaign of opposition to such a regressive and overtly pro-business proposal, involving:
1. Letters of protest to the Prime Minister and Alan Johnson the Minister responsible.
2. A lobby of Parliament to be organised involving Trade Union members.
3. A series of Local/Regional protest meetings and rallies in conjunction with Trades Councils/Regional TUC Committees, aimed at involving PCS members.
4. An all members circular to be issued no later than 01/09/2002 outlining the action taken by the PCS leadership and progress made to date.
ES(DWP) Central London

Conference welcomes the Government's proposals to establish a democratically elected regional tier of government in England. Conference believes the PCS is ideally placed to become the union for the regions. To achieve this the NEC is instructed to:
1. Actively support the campaigns to create regional assemblies, and promote the merits of these to PCS members.
2. Liaise with other public-sector unions, the TUC and the Government, to ensure recognition of the PCS's position as the appropriate union for staff working to the regional tier of government in England.
3. Campaign for the staff working for the regional tier of government to be members of the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme and to have rights of interchange with the Civil Service and other NDPBs.
War Pensions Agency National

Conference welcomes the work already undertaken by NEC in respect of the recommendations contained in the consultation paper on the Auld Report and the joint PCS response lodged to the Government in January 2002.
Conference recognises that there is still much work to be done to persuade both the Government and Ministers not to undermine the hard fought principles enshrined in the British Legal and Political systems in respect of civil liberties, freedom and accountability within society (i.e right to trial by judge and jury, the presumption of innocence until proved guilty etc).
Conference also recognises that for any of the proposals to succeed they will need to be fully funded and resourced from the outset and that any changes made must be in the interests of justice and not in the interests of cost saving and expediency.
Conference therefore calls upon the NEC to:-
1. continue and if necessary, step up its campaign, to ensure that the recommendations, concerns and wider political, social and civil & human right issues contained in the NEC response to the Government are fully debated both within the Trade Union Movement and Nationally;
2. seek (an) urgent meeting(s) with the appropriate Government Ministers and lobby MP's accordingly;
3. seek the support of other unions and civil right organisations and co-ordinate a common campaign as appropriate; and
4.produce briefing and campaign material for local representatives, Branches and Groups to use.

This BDC notes that the government is reviewing the Employment Relations Act 1999, and that consultation is taking place over making amendments to this Act.
This Conference agrees that further amendment is required to redress the balance after many years of Tory anti-trade union legislation. In particular, BDC agrees that the area of recognition needs further refinement. Therefore this BDC calls upon the NEC to mount a continuous high profile campaign amongst the membership, media, government and general public to reform the ERA. BDC agrees that these reforms should include:
· Removing the opt-out for companies employing less than 20 staff from recognition legislation.
· Narrowing the definition of a bargaining unit to an individual workplace. The aim of this would be to prevent employers, such as EDS, from refusing to recognise PCS for employees on EDS Standard terms and conditions, even though we have 100% membership in some areas.
· Widening the definition of recognition to enable unions to discuss all terms and conditions of employment, not just pay, hours and holidays.
· Introducing legislation to outlaw the worst employers from threatening to close workplaces and relocate in order to avoid trade union recognition.
Conference instructs the NEC to report back progress on this campaign to 2004 BDC.
Commercial Sector EDS SWANSEA


That conference welcomes the positive policy advances made by Group and Branch negotiators on, flexible working, work life balance and related accommodation issues. Conference recognises however that many of the advances are cancelled out, by times of attendance at work, being dictated by unreliable and poorly timetabled public transport. Conference also recognises that public transport is an issue best tackled collectively by members sharing common concerns. The NEC is therefore instructed to bring about and actively support Regional/Local forums where members can collectively pursue and campaign for better transport services to ensure they gain the full benefits of balancing work and life.

This Conference, whilst welcoming the improvements in Employment Relations legislation, recognises that current legisation has left in place much of the anti trade union legislation introduced by the Conservative Government. Conference agrees that the TUC should continue to put pressure on the Government in order to improve the position of trade unions and people at work. In particular Conference instructs the NEC to campaign for and work within the TUC for:
· Fair treatment from day one of employment rather than one year
· A commitment to reinstate workers who win unfair dismissal claims
· changes to complex strike balloting procedures ensuring a real right to strike to full employment employment protection
· the introduction of paid parental leave
· automatic recognition where a union has more than 50% membership in a workplace
· deletion of the requirement that 40% of the entire workforce should ask for union recognition
· the right for workers to take solidarity action and changes to the definition of a trade dispute e.g to include terms on transfer to a new employer
IR Stockton

Conference notes that in addition to the Government's greening initiatives much can be done in terms of greening the Civil and Public Services.
Conference calls on the NEC to investigate ways of encouraging the Government to implement further measures that improve energy conservation, use of alternative energy and recyclable resources, and the implementation of strategies which can improve working conditions and reducing environmental damage

That this Conference views the commitment of voluntary carers in society as being of immense benefit to society as a whole and to the individual relatives and friends being cared for.
Conference believes that, despite the best and regularly under-valued efforts of NHS staff, institutional care can often bring additional problems when compared with the personal care by a relative or friend. Conference is also mindful that such carers can provide good quality care at much lower cost than the state provision equivalent and thereby relieve the NHS of a massive additional financial and logistical burden. Conference therefore finds it incredible that Care Allowance can be arbitrarily removed from those with care commitments. This is not only distressing for the individuals concerned but is also a deterrence to those taking on and maintaining such commitments.
This Conference therefore instructs the NEC to actively pursue with Government the situation faced by carers with a view to removing such aribitrary decisions and, more generally, in creating a supportive atmosphere of financial and emotional security for carers in the very important work they undertake.

This Conference recognises the increased terrorist threat posed by the events of September 11, however it sees the proposed Government introduction of National Identity Cards as a retrograde step. There is insufficient proof that such measures would have an impact on terrorism, but no doubt that the threat of terrorism would provide the smokescreen for increased state control over everyone's ordinary lives.
Conference further recognises that the Government are undertaking a Consultation process on the issue and the NEC is therefore instructed to campaign via its own organisation and membership, and through the TUC to campaign to reject the proposals and to encourage debate on the negative impact of National Identity Cards on civil liberties.

This Conference notes the TUC's campaign to increase the number of UK Bank Holidays, and that the campaign came about because we have fewer bank holidays than our European colleagues.
Conference instructs the NEC to fully support this campaign and to publicise it amongst our members.
PCS Culture & Organisation: Communications, Disputes and General

This conference congratulates those strikers in the pathfinder officers who have been on indefinite strike since August and September of last year.
We also congratulate the 40,000 members who struck in December and 45,000 who struck in January.
We recognise however that management and ministers have not been moved sufficiently by this action.
Conference re-iterates its support for the striking pathfinder offices and its determination to achieve a safe working environment for members working in Jobcentre plus.
To that end we call on the NEC to:
1. Implement the overtime ban/withdrawal of goodwill, voted for by the members in the recent ballot, immediately.
2. Call the industrial action agreed by ES and BA GECs for 2nd April.
3. Explore the industrial action alternatives needed, in conjunction with the joint GECs, to win a safe working environment for our members in Jobcentre Plus, including calling members in individual offices out on indefinite action as pathfinder's rollout to their office.
4. Organise a national levy (including standing order mandates in the PCS magazine) and transfer sufficient funds to the campaign fund to help pay for action in those areas prepared to resist pathfinders rolling out to their offices.
BA(DWP) Staffordshire & Shropshire

Conference salutes the strike action taken by DWP members in the Jobcentre Plus safety dispute.
Conference however notes that the campaign has highlighted many inadequacies in the unions ability to conduct a campaign of major industrial action.
As such conference instructs the NEC to conduct a full review with the widest possible participation of all members involved in the action. The review should have a wide remit to examine such matters the functioning of all sections of HQ, Campaign Teams, and communications in the dispute, Finances, and the strategy and tactics of the union. The aim of the review should be to draw as many lessons as possible in order to improve the unions' ability to wage effective campaigns of industrial action.
DEFRA Exeter

this conference recognises the work done by staff in Membership Records, but notes with concern that membership records for the Union are still not in a state that can guarantee that each and every member will receive post from the Union. Given that a postal system is the NEC's preferred method of contact with members for such things as ballots this situation can no longer be allowed to continue.
Therefore conference instructs the NEC to urgently
1. Consult with the relevant national authorities to ensure that requests from Branch Organisers to Agency/Departmental Personnel Units for staffing lists will be dealt with as a matter of urgency.
2. Instruct Branches to carry out a data cleanse exercise of their own Branch membership within in a deadline to be agreed with each of the groups within the Union, but no later than March 2003. Once data cleanse has been completed Branch Organisers to notify Membership Records of those members not within their Branch.
3. Prepare a letter to be issued to all members identified by Branch Organisers as not being within their Branch. This letter is to be issued by membership records and sent to the members home addresses. The letter is to establish where that member currently works and to outline the action that each member should take to correct current records and the action that members should take to ensure that membership records are kept up to date.
4. Present a report to all Branches by December 2003 as to the accuracy of membership records.

This Conference notes the bizarre decision of the NEC that PCS shall be represented on the TUC General Council by Barry Reamsbottom even after his term of employment with the Union has ceased. Conference notes that Rule 7.31 of the PCS Rules states that "Only a member or a Full time Officer or a member of staff shall represent the Union" and further notes that from 1st June Mr Reamsbottom will not meet this requirement. Conference instructs the NEC to appoint Mark Serwotka as the PCS representative on the TUC General Council from 1st June 2002.
BA(DWP) Hull

This meeting notes that staff locally employed in overseas countries by departments such as the FCO and DFID are often denied basic rights such as the opportunity to belong to a Trade Union and in many cases receive treatment inferior to that of their UK based colleagues.
Whilst the situation varies from country to country and also from one department to another problems faced by staff include:-
· Fair and consistent application of staff appraisal system
· Leave allowances
· Disciplinary procedures
· Pay
· Abuse of overtime
This meeting accepts the basic principle that staff locally employed by the British Government are entitled to be treated with respect and dignity in the same way as their UK based colleagues.
Furthermore, this meeting endorses the view that all staff should have the right to belong to a trade union with a fully recognised trade union able to represent their needs locally.
Whilst accepting that this is a complex issue this meeting accepts that as the leading representative of civil servants in the UK, PCS should take a leading role in securing better representation for staff locally employed by the British government around the world. The incoming NEC is therefore instructed to set up a working group to explore current arrangements for representation of these staff and issue a report prior to Conference 2004 with a clear list of proposals as to how PCS can influence the representational rights of these staff both directly and indirectly.

Conference notes that the decision making process of the NEC and the NDC during the Job Centre Plus dispute led to decisions being available to Branches at the last minute before action was to be taken. This increased the difficulty for Branch Officials to inform members of the action the Union was intending for them to take.
The incoming NEC is therefore instructed to review the decision making process and to improve it so that the maximum possible time is given to Branches to organise for agreed industrial action.
HO Immigration Staff

This Conference notes the number of victimisations taking place and being planned in the Department of Work and Pensions as a result of the Jobcentre Plus safety dispute. We also realise that increasingly management will use the tool of victimisations in periods of industrial conflict. We believe that the Union has to respond to this collectively and not as a series of personal cases. Whilst the Union should provide full legal representation to activists and members that are victimised as a result of Union activity, we should see these victimisations for what they are - an attack on the Union. With this in mind the NEC, in conjunction with the relevant executive committees, are instructed that full return to work arrangements be agreed with the employer following the end of disputes which include no victimisations of members as a result of their activities. Where this is not possible ballots for further industrial action should be considered.
BA(DWP) Hampshire & IOW

Conference notes the NECs inclination to develop a helpline under the title 'PCS Direct'.
Conference recognises that there needs to be a contact point for members who have no other alternative. This would particularly apply where members are in collapsed or non existent Branches or work for private sector bodies with limited negotiation rights.
To the extent of meeting this need, conference authorises the NEC to establish such a contact point.
However Conference cautions the NEC against proceeding with a more large scale telephone line contact point, and in so doing observes the following.
1. The best point of contact for PCS members should be and will normally be, local representatives and Branch Officers on the ground. Members should at all times be encouraged to take this route whenever possible.
2. Within the Civil Service, National pay bargaining has been destroyed and in many cases even Departmental bargaining has been fragmented. In order to respond to members queries, telephone staff would need a detailed knowledge of over 100 pay and pay progression systems, and all the different conditons of service issues.
3. PCS HQ is unable to identify who members work for. Prior to the formation of DWP, the DSS would not have been recognised by HQ, with members routed to wrong offices. (This is a legacy of an erroneous edict that 'Agencies' were to be regarded as Employers, even though they weren't).
4. Helpline staff often have very poor working conditions. The PCS should not be seeking to replicate worst practise from other industries, in considering the job design of our own employees.
Conference so directs the NEC.

This conference recognises the work carried out by local Trades Councils and in particular the support given to members within the Benefits Agency and Employment Service Groups during the recent Industrial Action surrounding Job Centre Plus and Pathfinder Offices.
Conference notes with some concern that the level of affiliations to local Trades Councils at best 'patchy'. The low level of affiliations for some Trades Councils seriously hinders their ability to effectively campaign on local, national and international issues.
Therefore conference instructs the NEC
1. To strongly encourage all Branches to affiliate to local Trades Councils.
2. To set up a training programme for Branches so that representatives can actively take part in their local Trades Council.
3. To include within the Annual Report information to members on the work carried out to address the issue of low affiliations to local Trades Councils.

This conference believes that PCS members and representatives have a right to expect a professional service from full time officials working for PCS. Conference believes that in most cases this service is delivered. However, occasionally members and representatives do have cause for complaint about the level of representation and/or service they have received. In these cases it is essential that a formal complaints procedure is in place. It is regrettable that to date PCS has not developed such a procedure. Conference instructs the NEC to immediately address this situation and produce a complaints procedure. This procedure should ensure that:
· All complaints are dealt with fairly and in a reasonable timescale,
· A final right of complaint should be addressed to the General Secretary in the event that a satisfactory response is not received,
· The procedure is consistent, and published to the members.
It is further agreed that such a procedure must also be fair to the staff working for PCS and therefore should be agreed with the Staff Union the GMB.
Prison Service North Western

This Conference notes that the time allowed for the PCS Biennial Delegate Conference has increased from a meagre two and a half days in 1998, to almost, but not quite, four days. Considering that Conference meets every two years, rather than every year, and that Conference is supposed to be the principal policy-making body of the union, this means that it is impossible to debate vitally important changes to the PCS union rules.
Conference further notes that many proposed rule amendments are ruled out of order because they 'Fail to amend all relevant rules'. As there is inadequate time to debate all the changes, as they relate to all the relevant rules, it seems extremely unfortunate that the NEC shamefully decided to advise members that they felt it unnecessary to carry out the democratic instruction contained in Conference resolution A188, from BDC 1998, which called for a 3-day PCS Rules Revision Conference. Therefore this Conference agrees to:-
(i) severely censure the NEC for blatantly overturning the democratic decision of BDC Conference 1998.
(ii) instruct the NEC to arrange a Rules Revision Conference of at least 3-days duration, to take place no later than May 2003. The Conference will be organised in line with the relevant parts of Section 6 of the PCS Supplementary Rules, and Appendix A of the PCS union rules, with branches able to submit rule amendments to any rule.
(iii) the NEC issuing detailed information and guidance, well in advance of the Rules Revision Conference, in order to guide members through the extremely complex PCS union rules, and enable members to ensure that all the relevant rules are indeed amended.
BA(DWP) Fylde Coast

This Conference calls upon the National Executive to make provision for an insert (of a maximum of four pages) for group issues to be included with the PCS magazine to inform them of group issues if the Group Executive asks for such an insert.

This Conference is increasingly concerned by people who join the PCS when they have a need for the service, then resign membership on completion of their personal case. This is an improper use of the service offered to Members, the time of Branch PCS Officers and takes advantage of those Members who have steadfastly remained in the Union through thick and thin. Conference recommends that a review of this situation is undertaken by the end of 2002 with a view to providing a solution. For example, by ensuring that new Members undertake to remain in the Union for a minimum term.

This conference agrees that the position of Trainee Delegate to conference should be exactly that. Members elected to attend conference in this capacity should be free from other responsibilities, such as stewarding.
The NEC is instructed to operate a system, taking effect from the next PCS National Conference, similar to the one previously used in CPSA.
This would mean that Trainee Delegates would be able to watch, listen and learn without the distraction of performing other duties.

Conference notes the demise of some PCS group journals in departments and agencies.
Conference further notes the valuable contribution such journals have in informing and updating members on a regular basis, as well as encouraging debate and participation in groups.
Conference therefore instructs the NEC to:
1. Encourage all GEC's to produce a group journal at least four times per year, one of which to be a full report back from Group Conference.
2. Provide sufficient funds to groups for the production and distribution of group journals
3. Allow groups complete editorial control over the content of the Conference journals, save where the content is unacceptable for legal reasons.


This Conference welcomes the increased publicity that has been generated by the General Secretary Elect in newspaper articles and appearances on television in programmes such as Newsnight. These glimpses of PCS in the national media are however few and far between. Other unions such as Unison often found trumpeting their victories and widely advertise their services.
This Conference instructs the NEC to organise a robust, adequately resourced Press Department. Conference further instructs that the Press Department be more proactive towards the press than in the past and canvass Branches for newsworthy items which should be released to national and regional press.


This conference notes that we are a Union and that this should be reflected in our acronym. We therefore agree that all Union communications, both internal and external, will refer to our organisation as the PCSU and not the PCS.
conducted in accordance with this rule."
BA(DWP) Sheffield

This Conference is concerned that, in spite of assurances at past conference that the sale of Great Suffolk Street would fund improvements in IT availability to Branches, many Branches still do not have adequate IT provision. Conference agrees that all Branches should have a basic IT set up provided by the PCS where not covered by a facilities agreement. This should include:
· A PC (with both CD drive and A: drive)
· A printer
· Internet access
· E-mail facilities
· Basic word processing and spreadsheet software
Conference agrees that this should be implemented by June 2003.

Conference acknowledges that much has been achieved to date by mergers amongst civil service trade unions. Conference also believes that over recent years many other trade unions mergers have taken place both within and across other sectors including the public services.
In recognition of the fact that such developments will continue and that, in particular, devolution of government will create more changes to the structure of governance in England, conference believes that PCS must now consider whether further rationalisation of trade union structures are necessary to strengthen the effective representation of our members.
Conference therefore instructs the NEC to convene formal discussions with UNISON on the following basis.
1. to examine immediate opportunities for closer working between between PCS and UNISON at all levels including regional level.
2. to examine the advantages and disadvantages of a possible merger between the PCS and UNISON
3. to report to PCS branches on 1. and 2. above by 1 December 2003 at the latest in time for members and branches to consider future action and motions to the BDC 2004.
Scottish Executive EDINBURGH LEITH

This conference agrees that PCS should publish a list of how each individual GEC or NEC member has voted on all major issues throughout the electoral year.


Conference notes Section 71 of the Race Relations (Amendment Act) 2000 requires Ministers of the Crown of government departments to adopt Race Equality Schemes by 31st May 2002. Moreover it defines Departments, not Agencies, as public authorities and places requirements on the departments themselves.
Conference instructs the NEC to:
a) ensure that all Departments adopt Race Equality Schemes in agreement with Departmental PCS representatives';
b) ensure that complaints are issued to the CRE in the case of all Ministers or Government Departments which have failed to do so by 31st May 2002;
c) secure a suitable amendment to the Civil Service Management Code requiring that all Departments have Race Equality Schemes in place;
d) allocate a specific responsibility to named Full Time Officers for ensuring that this issue is vigorously pursued with each department;
e) issue appropriate guidance to full time officers, Sector Committee, PCS DTUS and other relevant lay representatives;
1) set up a dedicated section in HQ to recruit members in these areas and get recognition from the companies which employ them, ultimately aiming to set up groups in each of the specific sectors;
2) carry out a survey of members in these areas to identify the varous salaries, annual leave and sick leave provisions, and equal opportunity practices;
3) pursue with Cabinet Office minimum employment standards to be required of all contractors wishing to bid for Civil Service work; and
4) obtain and issue to groups legal advice on the possibility of taking provide a comprehensive report on the progress made to all branches by May 2003 and again to the Biennial Conference in 2004.
BA(DWP) Greater Manchester

Conference notes the 2001 Cabinet Office Survey results in relation to discrimination against lesbian and gay men showed an unacceptable level of discrimination. This conference welcomes moves by the government to introduce legislation within the European Framework Directives. However, Conference does not accept the proposal in relation to sexual orientation to exclude social protection, education and goods and services restricting the legislation to just employment rights. Conference therefore, instructs the NEC to:
a) Continue to campaign for full legal protection for lesbian, gay and bisexual members.
b) Continue to press in negotiation for training of managers in combating homophobia in the workplace.
c) Ensure that PCS provides training around the new legislation for PCS reps at all levels in the union.
d) Review PCS employment policies in light of the new legislation.
e) Review the staffing levels in the Equality and Health and Safety Department in light of the proposed legislation covered by the European Framework Directives, taking into account motion A3 passed at the 2000 BDC.
f) Review PCS regional training on tackling homophobia in light of the legislative changes.
IR West of Scotland

That this BDC recognises that there is widespread homophobia in the Civil and Public services and indeed this is reflected within PCS. This BDC instructs the President on behalf of the NEC to highlight the union's policy around homophobia and that it is not acceptable within the PCS.
This BDC instructs the President in conjuction with the PROUD Steering Committee to issue a clear statement to all members on this issue within the next 12 months.
IR Leeds & District

This Conference congratulates the NEC for its work in combating bullying and harassment in the workplace.
Conference notes, however, that some Departments' Equal Opportunities Complaints Procedure allow proven bullies to carry on work seemingly without any disciplinary action being taken against them. This frequently leads the complainant in bullying/harassment cases to feel cheated of a just outcome.
Conference threfore instructs the NEC to address this problem.

This conference notes that the Sex Discrimination Act has been amended and that these changes are beneficial to members. In particular the rules on indirect discrimination have been strengthened.
This conference believes that annual leave schemes in the civil service which require many years service before qualifying for extra leave could prove to be indirect discrimination.
Therefore the conference instructs the NEC to:
a. Publish a comprehensive guide to the amended Act to be sent to all Groups and Branches - such a guide to include a number of worked examples. These examples to include use of Sex Discrimination Questionnaires.
b. Write out to all the Groups and Bargaining Units that do not have 30 days annual leave for all asking them if they wish to submit sex discrimination cases challenging length of service qualification rules and providing legal assistance if they wish to take such cases.
DETR London

Conference notes the part-time workers regulations that came into force on 1 July 2000.
Conference notes however that these regulations do not go far enough to protect part-time workers from the discrimination that they suffer in the workplace e.g. access to training and development and lower appraisal markings.
Conference instructs the NEC to:
· Set up a national forum for part-time workers, along similar lines to the National Equality forums.
· Encourage all departments and agencies to equality proof all their systems with regard to part-time/full-time working.
· Offer advice to Groups on the rights of part-time workers, highlighting some of the problems that part-time staff may come up against.
IR Manchester Collection

Conference notes that though the percentage of women members in PCS is over 60% that attendance on union courses (particularly residential courses) and conference is still male dominated.
Conference notes the good work done by some Groups in trying to encourage more women and other under represented groups to become active in the union. Many of the problems for under-represented groups are due to domestic commitments.
Conference instructs the National Executive Committee to:
· Conduct a survey of members of face and disability networks and members of the national equality forums to find out what are the key barriers to involvement of under represented groups.
· Once the results of this survey are known, put recommendations to the National Executive Committee to act on.
· Put in place arrangements for eldercare and care of dependants for PCS reps attending union course/conference and publicise these to all members.
· Extend the age of childcare provision on PCS courses to children aged 14.
· Set up a National PCS Women's network.
BA(DWP) Birmingham North

This Conference instructs the NEC to ensure that:
1. equality proofing procedures are adopted and properly acted on in all civil service and public sector bodies containing PCS members;
2. and that those procedures oblige the employer to consider whether its personnel policies, terms and conditions, and personnel proposals have a differential or adverse impact on particular grades of staff ;

That this BDC welcomes the positive steps taken by the government with the introduction of the Sex Discrimination (Gender Reassignment) regulations 1999.
This BDC is concerned that we have not yet seen a significant adoption of the principles of these regulations across the areas covered by the PCS.
This BDC therefore instructs the NEC, in consultation with the PROUD Steering Committee, to fully adopt a pro-active national policy on transgender issues, using the regulations as a minimum standard for universal adoption.
This BDC also instructs the NEC to introduce an awareness-training package to be delivered for all PCS negotiators in all bargaining areas before BDC 2004.


This Conference notes with concern the situation surrounding Equitable Life Assurance Society as it announced on 8 December 2000 that it would stop writing new business with immediate effect. As Equitable Life Assurance Society is one of the providers to the Civil Service under the arrangements for the Civil Service Additional Voluntary Contribution Scheme (CSAVC), we believe that the developments in Equitable Life Assurance Society is worrying.
This Conference instructs the National Executive Committee to open negotiations with the Cabinet Office to ensure that members do not lose out if the situation with Equitable Life deteriorates, because the Civil Service should basically underwrite any losses as they engaged Equitable Life as one of the providers.
Conference further instructs the NEC to circulate details of the outcome of the negotiations with the Cabinet Office to the members and furthermore if the outcome of the negotiations is in the negative to mount a legal challenge against the Government to ensure that members do not lose out.
IR Ealing

Conference notes the progress being made by PCS on tackling unequal pay for women within pay systems.
This is to be welcomed. However, even improvements to annual pay settlements and associated benefits (I.e. career breaks) will still lead to women members continuing to contribute lowest contributions than male colleagues during an average life.
This in turn will lead to women receiving lower received pensions upon retirement and therefore will perpetuate inequalities into retirement years, often resulting in income at or below poverty level for far more working women than men.
Conference therefore instructs the NEC to immediately undertake the following:-
i. To work in partnership with the Equal Opportunities Commissions to lobby Government to eradicate this inequality;
ii. To do as much as possible within local or national pay agendas to address the issue;
iii. To raise awareness among all PCS members (men, women, young and those approaching retirement) who are all potentially affected by the issue I.e. PCS Journal; training for representatives; WEB site guidance etc.

Conference realises that unauthorised absences do not reckon for superannuation purposes and staff in the Civil Service/DWP do not have the right to buy back service for such absences to maximise rates of pension.
Conference notes that some other employers (e.g Fife Council) actually offer such buy-back facilities.
Conference agrees that the right to buy-back should be offered to staff who wish to do so in order to avoid reductions in superannuation entitlement and instructs the NEC to negotiate for such rights.

Conference notes the introduction of PCSPS 2000.
Conference fruther notes that, whilst staff in service prior to the introduction of new pension scheme can opt to remain in it, and thus only contribute 1.5 per cent of their salary, new staff cannot, and are, therefore, forced to pay at least 3.5 per cent, thus causing financial hardship for low paid members.
Conference therefore instructs the NEC to negotiate a clause in the new scheme which allows low paid members, the low pay threshold based on an amount researched and decided by the NEC and reviewed annually, to pay only 1.5 per cent of their salary to the pension scheme, the remainder being paid by the employer.

This BDC instructs the NEC to actively involve the PCS in the current campaign to achieve a change in the law that will allow investors in private pension schemes the right to freely invest their lump sum savings to produce a pension, rather than have to purchase an annuity from the Insurance company as at present.
The NEC is also instructed to use PCS affiliation of the TUC to encourage the TUC to lead such a campaign on behalf of all trade union members.

Privatisation & Job Security

This Conference recognises that the privatisation of public services, carried out by successive governments, has resulted in poorer services to the public, and a reduction in working conditions for the workforce. This has been the case whether it has been full or partial privatisation. We oppose privatisation, including the government's plans for the wider use of private management in hospitals, schools and other public sector bodies.
This Conference rejects the concept that private investment is the key to Public Sector Reform, the true agenda behind which is the opening up of new markets to private industry in the order of £30 billion, and the weakening of the Trade Unions in the public sector.
The setting up by the National Executive Committee of the Privatisation Working Group is a welcome step, and Conference instructs the NEC to take the work forward by including the following measures:
1. Publicise our commitment to opposing further moves to contract out state-run services using leaflets and other publications highlighting the dangers and making the case for public services to be kept public.
2. Group negotiators including from the Private Sector Forum should be brought together in joint meetings to discuss the PCS campaign.
3. Areas where PCS should call for work to be returned to the public sector should be identified.
4. Political lobbying, media campaigns, campaigns through the TUC at all levels, other unions, and community based campaigns should take place.
5. Maximum support for PCS members or other Trade Unionists taking action against privatisation or its effects on pay, jobs and conditions.
Conference instructs the NEC to push for a special one-day TUC conference on the issue and for a national demonstration to be called by the TUC against privatisation and in defence of public services.
C&E Liverpool

This conference reaffirms our outright opposition to privatisation of public services.
However we recognise that some public sector workers represented by PCS have already been transferred to private employers and more any follow.
Conference notes with concern that in all of the private companies a two tier workforce has developed as new recruits are employed on non-TUPE terms and conditions. And in most cases these individuals are on personal contracts out with the PCS collective bargaining structures.
As a result they are generally on inferior terms and conditions. Also over time they can become the majority in the workplace severely damaging the ability of PCS not only to protest the new recruits but also to defend the better conditions enjoyed by TUPE transferred members
Conference notes that Steven Byers announced that the would eradicate the two tier workforce from local government contracts.
Conference instructs the incoming NEC to campaign for the abolition of the two tier workforce in contracts in our bargaining areas both retrospectively and in future.
Commercial Sector SBS NS GLASGOW

Conference recognizes the work achieved by the NEC in highlighting the defects of PFI and PPP "initiatives". Conference agrees, however, that these efforts are not enough to stop the ongoing programme of privatisation which such "partnerships" represent.
Conference recognizes that the TUPE regulations protect members to a certain extent, but that this protection does not extend to pensions. The potential for huge financial loss to members and their families is both apparent and palpable.
Conference is also aware of the anti-competitive nature and the potential for abuse in the practice of selecting a "preferred" bidder, together with the ever increasing costs to the taxpayer. Conference agrees that the continuation of PFI and PPP is folly.
Conference, therefore, directs the NEC to increase this union's campaign against these projects with both dialogue with the government and, more importantly, in the political arena through the use of the media, the lobbying of the national and European parliaments, and any other means at its disposal.
DfEE Midlands

This Conference notes that the government is determined to continue with the programme of privatisation of public services such as hospitals, schools and air traffic control. This Conference believes that public services should remain in the public sector and not in the hands of un-elected and unaccoutable private companies.
The Scottish Campaign Against Privatisation is the umbrella organisation for a diversity of trade unions, community activists and individuals who are jointly campaigning against the privatisation of public services. The SCAP is seeking the support of the TUC as well as support from national trade unions.
The campaign was launched in September 2001 and SCAP is already has the support of the Scottish regional branches of the Fire Brigade Union, Rail, Maritime and Transport Union(RMT) and GPMU(print and media union) as well as branches of Unison, Communication Workers Union(postal workers), RMT, GMB and PCS.
Nationally PCS are committed to fighting further privatisation within the civil service and the SCAP gives us an opportunity to support to support not only colleagues in PCS but other public sector workers facing the uncertainly that privatisation brings.
This motion calls on PCS to:
· Send a message of support to the Scottish Campaign Against Privatisation
· Support the Scottish Campaign Against Privatisation by adding our name to the list of co-sponsors
· Support any public march/demonstration organised by the Scottish Campaign Against Privatisation
Commercial Sector SBS NS GLASGOW

Conference notes with alarm new Labour's mad long dash towards privatisation within the Public Sector and welcomes the setting up of the Privatisation Working Group by the NEC to consider and develop an action plan for implementing the NEC's anti-privatisation campaign strategy.
Conference also notes with concern that the European Union (EU) and World Trade Organisation (WTO) are seeking to win agreement to open up all public services to privatisation and subsequent asset stripping and domination by the business sector. This headlong drive towards Globalisation both by new labour, the EU and WTO with its underpinning aims of undermining National Sovereignty and end to democratic accountability must be stopped in its tracks.
Conference calls upon the NEC to step up the campaign already started, to continue to vigorously campaign and expose the real nature and role of those campaigning for wholesale privatisation both internally and abroad and to ensure that the pursuit of profit before public services and the motgaging of future wealth is defeated.
PCS Culture & Organisation: Services

This conference notes the growing number of Personal cases pursued by PCS officials that require legal advice and representation at CSAB and Employment Tribunal hearings. Further to this it is noted that the provision of a single legal officer to the requirement of the vast number of requests for legal opinion or advice. Conference instructs the NEC without delay to:
· Expand the legal team responsible for giving advice and legal opinion
· Increase the availability legal advice from external sources
· Provide clear guidance to Lay and Group Officials setting out procedures for obtaining advice with a reasonable time limit
· That after authorisation to proceed with a case is received from the Group Secretary or President that advice be given directly to the Lay or Group Officials
· PCS to put in place procedures to provide legal representation at Employment Tribunals
· That PCS Lay and Group Officials have timely access to legal research and case law
· That in addition to the three-day Employment Tribunal course available that PCS provide an advance Employment Tribunal course
· In addition that a central library of CSAB and Employment Tribunals cases won by the union to ensure that all cases are coordinated centrally and is accessible by Lay and Group Officials
Prison Service North Western

PCS representatives are frequently called upon to provide support and advice to members on a range of issues that require sensitive handling on often delicate or emotional and often traumatic situations.
This can often lead to PCS representatives being asked to give advice or emotional support on matters we are not professionally equipped to deliver. This can have serious consequences for the member and the PCS representative if we are not provided with clear guidelines from PCS on where representative duties end, and professional referral is required.
Conference instructs the NEC to provide all representatives with basic counselling training in learning to identify risk situations;
how to manage the initial situation and when it is appropriate to pass issues on.
The courses should be available for inclusion in 2003 training programmes.
IR Manchester

This Conference welcomes the creation of the PCS Learning Centre which provides excellent service for members in London. We believe that there is a need to set up other learning centres where ever there is a large concentration of PCS members. We recognise that the largest concentration of PCS members outside of London is in the North West of England. Therefore we agree to:-
1. put the next learning centre in the North West of England
2. develop a strategy to create PCS learning centres in all areas where the amount and concentration of PCS members makes it feasible.

This Conference acknowledges the concerns of members about commercial advertising in PCS publications. There is a danger that PCS will be seen as promoting the firms and products concerned, and promoting loans to members who may well get into financial difficulties. On the other hand Conference acknowledges that nearly a quarter of members have accessed products or services advertised by PCS, that such advertising is readily available from other sources, and that the magazine advertising alone brings in half a million pounds a year for PCS.
The NEC are instructed to review the advertising policy on an annual basis, with the following objectives:
· That the NEC considers a phasing out of all advertising and commission work on the practicality of this and the detailed implications.
· That meanwhile PCS adopt an ethical advertising policy, refusing adverts from companies in which we would not invest, where there is a Conference policy, and where the Editorial Board consider that the advert is likely to be sensitive.
· That consideration is given to one contract, for example with PCS Plus, with vetted companies whose policies on loans and dealing with members who find themselves in financial difficulties are regularly reviewed by the NEC.
· That as part of this the NEC commission work on the current contractual obligations of the Union to advertisers.
· That PCS does not accept adverts from life assurance companies which discriminate against gay men, but should accept adverts where it can be shown that premiums are computed on the basis of an assessment of the risk.
· That any advertising agency contract is regularly subjected to competitive tender.
BA(DWP) Newcastle Central - Executive

That this BDC recognises the work of PCS Learning Services, Full Time Officers, and members in developing the Learning Representatives project. This project has been welcomed by many members, and has awoken new interest in the activities of the union.
The further development of this project, with the aim of ensuring that an accredited union Learning Representative is in place in each workplace, must now be seen as a priority. The NEC is therefore instructed to ensure that sufficient resources are made available to ensure the continued development of the project in all PCS areas of activity.

This Conference welcomes the action by ASLEF to sue a member of the public convicted of assaulting a train driver. Conference believes that this gives a strong message that assaults on public servants will not be tolerated. Where it can be established that it would be worthwhile to recover damages against people convicted of assaulting PCS members, the NEC is instructed to take appropriate legal action.

Personnel Matters & Conditions of Service

This BDC is concerned at the growing disparity - and reductions in protection - of the treatment of staff on long term sick leave in different Departments.
It instructs the NEC to gather information on Departmental, NDPB and private sector procedures to be presented, for example, under
· timescales for informal and formal action;
· requirements for medical examination and evidence
· representational rights
· criteria for discounting sick leave (including disability-related)
· rehabilitation and return to work arrangements
· decision-making process for dismissal or ill-health retirement
Following the publication of this basic analysis, the BDC instructs the NEC to hold an event for Group and National Branch negotiators on managing attendance and sick leave policies. The aim of the event should be to produce an action plan covering, inter alia
· mechanisms for spreading best practice
· creating a network of negotiators with relevant expertise
· identifying specific projects in Groups and Branches where there is a need to re-negotiate safeguards to ensure fair treatment
· issues for pursuing with Cabinet Office
· exploring the potential for legal action particularly in respect of disability and indirect sex discrimination
The BDC instructs the NEC to complete the preparatory work with a view to holding the event by October 2002.
BA(DWP) Avon

This Conference instructs the NEC to:
1. commission a study of the Civil Service Management Code (CSMC), and the Staff Handbooks, terms and conditions of at least 3 civil service departments and one non-civil service but public sector employer, with the express purpose of identifying where they might be at variance with the Human Rights
2. ask the civil liberties group, Liberty and a respected trade union orientated employment law firm to undertake the study jointly and to produce a detailed report within a reasonable time period;
3. ensure that the joint team consult the relevant trade union sides;
4. distribute the report to all GECs of the Union;
5. ensure that appropriate changes to the CSMC and the studied Staff Handbooks are made in the light of that study as a prelude to ensuring appropriate reforms beneficial to members are undertaken throughout the civil and public sector;
6. Provide civil and public sector GECs with detailed guidance on how to ensure that their members terms and conditions of employment are compatible with the Human Rights Act;
LR Birkenhead DLR

This conference calls upon the NEC to secure a minimum package of rights available for all Commercial Sector PCS members working on government contracts regardless of their employer, or the nature of their contracts. The rights should be civil service standard and written into the terms of the contract with the supplier. The NEC are also instructed to enter into negotiations with the government to ensure that employment conditions are taken into account when bids for renewals of outsourcing contracts are considered, in the same way as they are for the original outsourcing.
Commercial Sector EDS SOUTH IR
Midlands IT

This conference notes the continuing use of contract and agency staff in the Civil Service.
It is concerned that this is leading to;
1) permanent vacancies, sometimes in promotion outlets, being blocked or unfilled;
2) a two-tier workforce being set up, with temporary workers suffering worse terms and conditions of service.
Conference also notes the provisions of Fixed Term Workers Directive which came into force in July 1999. This states that "fixed term workers shall not be treated in a less favourable manner than comparable permanent workers" and that the employer must ensure that "they have the same opportunity to secure permanent positions as other workers". Although this has not yet been incorporated into UK law Crown employees have direct reference to the Directive, i.e. they can reply upon it in the absence of UK law or where there was a difference between domestic law and the directive, a claim could be lodged by a new dealer or a fixed term member of staff on a temporary contract. It is also likely that given the breadth of the Equal Treatment Directive equal pay claims between agency workers and established members of staff would be heard in Employment Tribunals
Conference feels that the use of casual labour is directly attributable to their worse terms, conditions and organisation by PCS
Conference believes that the NEC must instruct groups to adopt as key principles;
1) that where vacancies arise these will be filled by staff on permanent contracts (unless there are exceptional circumstances); and that
2) 2) any temporary or fixed term workers are hired on the same terms and conditions as permanent staff.
1) issue guidance to groups and branches on the implications of the fixed term workers directive;
2) issue guidance to groups and branches on equal pay claims between fixed term or agency workers and permanent members of staff and give legal support to such cases;
3) put together a plan for the recruitment of fixed term or agency workers; and
4) pursue recognition for PCS with the larger recruitment agencies with a view to improving their terms and conditions through collective bargaining.

Conference instructs the NEC to re-negotiate the rules in the Civil Service Management Code relating to the political activities of civil servants in the intermediate group.
Conference recognises that the current rules are heavy-handed and make it extremely difficult for civil servants wishing to pursue political activities.
In particular, Conference calls on the NEC to negotiate changes to allow for any civil servants in the intermediate group
a) who would normally have to submit a notice of resignation because they have been nominated to stand for election to -
· the Scottish Parliament,
· the Welsh Assembly,
· any English Regional Assembly
· the European Parliament
· the UK Parliament
to instead be able to apply for special leave with pay between the date on which their resignation would normally have taken effect and the declaration day. Such special leave with pay should normally be allowed, and refusal should be subject to the usual rights of appeal
b) to speak in public on matters of national or local political controversy; express views on such matters in letters to the Press,or in books, articles or leaflets, and canvas on behalf of candidates for election to the bodies in paragraph a) so long as this doe not-
· impinge on matters relating to the work of their own department or agency, and
· breach the standards of conduct set out in section 4.4.10 and 4.4.11 Annex A of the Civil Service Management Code.
BA(DWP) Clydeside

Conference notes the demands made on many of our members who are caring for elderly or ill relatives.
Conference instructs the National Executive Committee to:
Put pressure on the government to introduce provisions for paid eldercare arrangements in the civil service.
Include an article on eldercare in PCS View.
Assist with eldercare arrangements for PCS reps attending union courses.
BA(DWP) Birmingham North

Conference notes the parental leave agreement that was introduced in 1999, and the improvements that have been made to this agreement since then.
However, conference notes that the take up of parental leave is very low due to it being unpaid leave.
Conference instructs the National Executive Committee to:
· Put pressure on the government to introduce paid parental leave.
· To ensure that any time spent on unpaid parental leave counts towards the qualifying period for additional annual leave/long service awards.
· Publicise the agreements that have been reached in departments, highlighting best practice arrangements.
IR Northern Ireland

Conference notes with concern, but not surprise, the TUC report that 4 million workers are working hours in excess of the European Working Time Directive. Conference believes that management are paying 'lip-service' to the Directive and 'turning a blind eye' to the hours worked.
Conference further believes that due to poverty pay and the lack of progression up the pay bands members are forced to work excessive amounts of overtime.
Conference instructs the National Executive to negotiate with the Cabinet Office guidance on reducing the need for overtime and enforcing the European Working Time Directive (EWTD).
Conference further instructs the NEC to issue guidance to Department/Agency negotiators on enforcing the EWTD and campaign amongst the membership for reduced hours and greater support for the EWTD.

That this BDC instructs the NEC to ensure that any further negotiations on changes to personnel precedures are vetted by the PCS solicitors prior to any formal ratification by PCS negotiators.

That this BDC welcomes the government's initiatives in promoting Lifelong Learning and development of learning partnerships in the workplace. The NEC is instructed to secure from the government agreement that its own employees within the public services and agencies shall receive the same encouragement and support from their employers as is promoted amongst the private sector.

That this BDC is appalled by the treatment of PCS members throughout the various departments and agencies during 2001 by their respective employers, and therefore instructs the NEC to begin immediately a co-ordinated campaign of withdrawal from all government instigated civil service initiatives which worsen PCS members Pay, Health & Safety, and increased pressure of workloads. This campaign should include lobbying of MP's, close working with other public service trade unions and the TUC, and include an effective, hard hitting media campaign


Conference believes that any discussion on "partnership" must accept PCS' right to negotiate and campaign on behalf of its members. The "partnership" approach does not take into account the inequality in decision making, where unions are merely consulted on the impact that legislation or changes in company policy will have on their members. The most obvious examples of this are the wholesale "selling" of members from the Civil Service through privatisation and redundancies in private sector companies such as SEMA and EDS.
Conference calls upon the NEC to ensure that any partnership agreements entered into do not usurp the unions traditional rights to collective bargaining, negotiate and campaign (including taking Industrial Action) on any issue which affects our members, such as privatisation and PFI.
NAW General