gold eagle
















The Judge gave no indication of the possible outcome of the case in deciding today that PCS should pay the costs of both parties. Because there is now the added obfuscation of the NEC and Standing Orders, the case will now be heard over 4 days commencing on 15th July, rather than the envisaged 2 days

LEFT UNITY have posted the following statement regarding yesterday's NEC (meeting?)


The PCS NEC meeting scheduled for 19th, 20th and 21st June ended prematurely when the Right Wing “Moderates” walked out of the meeting.

President Janice Godrich opened the meeting by expressing the hope that members' business could be progressed. Unfortunately this proved to be a vain hope.

Janice followed her opening remarks by drawing the attention of the meeting to legal advice that had been circulated to the NEC about the Standing Orders for debate at NEC meetings. This stated that the existing standing orders apply until amended and require a two-thirds majority to be amended.

This was crucial legal advice because the new standing orders proposed by the Right Wing at the "NEC" non meeting on the 23rd May, and again for this meeting, are deliberately designed to give enormous power to Reamsbottom.

The Right Wing raised numerous points of order. Janice was careful to allow time for adjournments for everyone to consider the issues being raised.

After the adjournment Janice made a ruling that the existing Standing Orders apply. Jake Wilde (Inland Revenue Membership First and a supporter of the coup at the last NEC "meeting") challenged this ruling in a move discussed with and agreed by Left Unity as an attempt to be helpful and as a way of trying to move business on. As we had calculated the challenge failed to get a two-thirds majority of those present and the President's ruling was upheld. Roland Biosah, Caroline Young (Membership First) and Claudette Herbert (IR Membership First) voted with the 12 Left Unity members.

This brought further points of order by the Right Wing and demands by Reamsbottom that he be allowed to get legal advice of his own. By this time it was 4.30 and the meeting adjourned for the first day.

The second day began with Reamsbottom giving his legal advice to Janice 10 minutes before it was due to begin. As a result Janice deferred the start of the meeting to seek further legal advice of her own.

This process took until 3.00pm. In the meantime Janice spoke to Reamsbottom and offered the option of dealing with non controversial members' issues despite the unresolved question of the standing orders. Reamsbottom refused this sensible offer.

The legal advice to Janice was clear and firm. It fully supported her ruling of the previous day. When the NEC reconvened at 3.00pm Janice explained the further legal advice and stated that she now intended to move on and deal with members' business.

At this point Vice President John McGowan ("Moderate") read out a prepared statement attacking Janice and Mark and threatening the officers and staff of the union with serious consequences if they do not comply with Reamsbottom's instructions. The “Moderates” then all walked out. The meeting was then inquorate and Janice declared the meeting closed.

This walk out prevented the NEC from debating key issues. There was due to be a major debate about implementation of the policies adopted by the Conference in May. Many of these are not politically controversial in PCS. There were also motions from Left Unity members on pay and privatisation, and suggested motions to the TUC. Reamsbottom called this NEC. All the NEC members were there on facilities time given them to represent PCS members. Their travel and accommodation costs were met from PCS members' hard earned subscriptions.

Members will be disgusted that the "Moderates" abused all this to pursue their own narrow agenda and nothing else. They wasted the first two days of the meeting with legal wrangling. When they could not get their own way they walked out to prevent any business being done on behalf of the membership. They brought the meeting to an end a full day early with most of the agenda untouched.

However, this walkout is also a major capitulation by the "Moderates". They abandoned the meeting and were unable to force through politically motivated proposals to appoint 2 new Senior Full Time Officers, a new Deputy General Secretary for Scotland and Reamsbottom to the TUC General Council.

Today Janice and Mark are in court for a decision on the entitlement to costs for their legal challenge to the attempted coup on 23rd May. Whatever the outcome the campaign to defend PCS democracy will go on.

IRMF have issued the following statement

Inland Revenue Membership First wishes to make its' position clear on the current situation within PCS.

We deplore the detrimental effect it is having on the proper business of protecting and promoting members' interests. The operation of PCS HQ is being disrupted, and an enormous amount of time and energy is being wasted. Some IR NEC members have had to spend more time responding to these events than being able to work on behalf of members.

However, we recognise and are proud of the efforts of IR Group Officers, staff, and Group Executive Committee members, who have been able to minimise the impact on IR Group issues. The legitimate business of prosecuting the members' agenda with the Inland Revenue continues unabated, and with some success (see latest Newsbriefs).

On the issue itself, the following statement has been unanimously agreed by the IRMF NEC candidates at the last election (listed below), following consultation with IRMF supporters throughout the country.

1. The IRMF members of the NEC at the time (Les, Gwenda, Ted, Cath, Judi, Claudette) believe that in 2000, the Agreement with Barry Reamsbottom, and the subsequent General Secretary election which was won by Mark Serwotka, was lawful. This belief is based on the legal advice that was in front of the NEC at the time.

Obviously there has now been contrary legal advice produced. Because 'Left Unity' prevented a debate at the NEC on 23rd May, Ted and Jake decided that they had no alternative but to accept the advice that was presented to the NEC. Cath didn't, Les was absent, and Gwenda, Judi, and Claudette couldn't hear sufficiently to be able to cast a vote.

As we all know, the High Court will now determine (in July) what the correct legal position is.
In effect, whilst we believe that Mark Serwotka is the democratically elected General Secretary, and has a democratic right to the post; it may be that the High Court may decide that Barry Reamsbottom has a legal right to the post.

We do not believe that members would wish us to support something that is deemed to be unlawful: therefore we have no alternative but to await the decision of the High Court.

2. We believe that Ted acted in accordance with PCS Rules on 23rd May in presiding over the NEC meeting. Given the refusal of the President, Janice Godrich, to Chair or participate in the meeting, Rule 7.12 applied which required Ted to take the Chair. If he had refused, he would have been in breach of the Rules.

3. We believe that the meeting itself was Constitutional, and within Rules 7.19 and 8.3. However, that too has been challenged in the High Court, and will be determined at the same hearing referred to above (in mid July). We will, of course, abide by the decision of the Court.

4. We respect the election and position of Janice Godrich as President, and are not acting in any way which would prevent her carrying out her duties as laid down in the Rules and Constitution. Rule 7.11 says she may attend any meeting.

5. The work of the union, and of the NEC, must continue and proceed without waiting for the outcome of the High Court action. The NEC - all of it - would appear to have been democratically elected, with no qualifications or doubts expressed by the independent scrutineers.

If you have any questions about the above, please write to IRMF, c/o 7 Cropton Rd.,
Bricknell Ave., Hull HU5 4LL; or email (do not use Departmental email - it may be a breach of the Code of Practice).

Judi Bastow
Sean Fahey
Gwenda Binks
Claudette Herbert
Cath Coldbeck
Les Priestley
Ted Euers
Jake Wilde

This is very fair. Now we've let all the factions have a say, Judas will attempt to unravel the mysteries to discover whose knife is really in whose back, and how deeply.

barrabas 21/06/02